Meet the Six-Year-Old Whiz Kid Who's Smashing Records and Outsmarting Adults!

This incredible child prodigy has shown the world that age is just a number when it comes to intellectual prowess.

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When you think of a six-year-old, what comes to mind? Playdates, cartoons, or perhaps learning to tie shoelaces? Well, for Anshuman Gurung, it’s all about numbers and breaking records. This incredible child prodigy has shown the world that age is just a number when it comes to intellectual prowess.

A Rising Star in the Realm of Numbers

Source: Singapore Book Of Records

Two years ago, Anshuman’s parents were taken aback by their son’s extraordinary ability to remember obscure facts and count up to 1,000 at the tender age of four. Today, this young genius has transcended the boundaries of ordinary childhood learning, setting records for recalling complex mathematical concepts like the value of tau, down to more than 600 decimal places!

On November 6, Anshuman achieved seven new milestones in the Singapore Book of Records (SBOR), bringing his total count of records to a staggering 13. This feat isn’t just about numbers; it’s a testament to Anshuman’s unique ability to recall, recite and compute with remarkable speed and accuracy.

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Source: Singapore Book Of Records

Not Just a Number Cruncher

Anshuman isn’t limited to just mathematical feats. He can also name all different currencies used worldwide and, in 2022, set a record by listing all the capitals globally. Anshuman’s educational journey began at home, where his parents and teachers introduced him to numbers and alphabets. Little did they know that their curious child would go on to memorize up to 1,000 numbers and the entire alphabet!

The Boy Who Plays with Numbers

Source: Singapore Book Of Records

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Interestingly, Anshuman perceives his extraordinary skills as nothing more than child’s play. His father, Suresh Gurung, shares that Anshuman views memorizing and reciting numbers as part of his playtime. Despite all his accomplishments, Anshuman remains grounded and believes that all kids can do what they can. The humble child prodigy shows no signs of stopping and looks forward to learning more and breaking even more records.

A Bright Future Ahead

In January 2024, Anshuman will start his journey at Xinghua Primary School in Hougang. Although uncertain if his younger sister shares his abilities, Anshuman has already begun teaching her the alphabet and numbers.

The Singapore Ministry of Education allows “grade skipping or subject acceleration” under special circumstances. As a gifted pupil, Anshuman may get the opportunity to pursue a special curriculum designed for high-ability students.

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Source: Singapore Book Of Records

Calling All Parents: Let’s Celebrate Our Prodigies!

Anshuman Gurung’s story is a reminder of the immense potential that our children possess. As parents, let’s encourage our little ones to explore their interests, nurture their talents, and most importantly, enjoy their childhood. After all, every child is a prodigy in their own unique way!

Remember, it’s not about setting records or achieving feats; it’s about fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. So, let’s celebrate our little geniuses and support them on their incredible journeys of discovery and growth. Who knows? Your child might be the next Anshuman Gurung!


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Written by

Miko Pagaduan