Why 'Me Time' is as Important as Family Time...

"Me time" offers that much needed distraction to mum from all her worries and daily routine. Find out why it's as important as family time.

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Hats off to us moms who are on the job 24/7 365 days! We do everything and more for kids and family. Since morning 6 AM to midnight or beyond, we are constantly working — cooking, getting kids ready for school, their studies, hubby care, child care, home care and any ad-hoc care. Some of us are probably working women on top of it.

I am sure we all have played multiple roles — mum, wife, friend, nurse, helper, cleaner, chef, teacher, working professional and many more.

Don't you feel exhausted? Rather, can we afford to feel exhausted? Yes yes, we surely need to take a breather and just relax. We truly really completely deserve dedicated 'me time' and that is to take time out for yourself!

We agree that for strong bonding, we all need to spend quality family time. Just like that all concerned parties at home also need to nod their heads in agreement about mom's requirement of 'me time'! You love your Mom who devotes her life, sweat, blood for you. The best gift, a mom can get from her family is constant support, encouragement and some precious 'me time' every day or at least every week.

As moms, we should ditch that guilt that comes when you try to spend some time ONLY ON YOURSELF. It's perfectly okay to say this once in a while, "sorry I need a break!"

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Why 'me time' for mom is important for the entire family?

Happy mom

"Me Time" offers that much-needed distraction to mom from all her worries, daily routine and errands. She gets time to relax and enjoy some moments of her own. Of course, that makes her happy! A happy mom means a happy family.

Healthier mom

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Mom needs to remain hale and hearty since she carries the well-being of the entire family on her shoulders. She could get some health issues due to stress like hormonal imbalance, body pain or fatigue. Me-Time gives time for her to concentrate and work on concern areas of her own health. She can go to the gym, she can go for walks, do meditation and get healthier.

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Sharper mom

Let her get some sleep or let her do her favourite things and she will come back with a sharper mind and with renewed zeal to resolve your doubts, your issues.

Updated mom

All work and no play can make Mom dull. She has to go out, meet her peers, learn new skills and she has to keep updated with the latest information, the latest technology. Updated Mom relates more to her kids, their lingo, their feelings and their world.

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Smarter, prettier mom

Moms are always smart and pretty. But a new haircut or rejuvenating facial will give them not only a new look but new confidence to face daily chores head-on. If you look good, you do feel good! One appointment a month to salon works wonders for moms.

Mom, tips to steal some 'me time:'

  • Get up a bit early in the morning and spend some time on yourself by taking a morning walk, going to the gym etc.
  • When Kids and Hubby are out of office, read a book or watch your favourite movie or simply take a beauty nap.
  • Go shopping alone! Kids can be with hubby. You can go and do shopping alone even if it is grocery shopping.
  • Meet like-minded friends and spend time with them.
  • Enrol for some courses, learn a new skill.
  • Make pamper-me appointments and visit spa, salons.
  • Work out an arrangement with fellow moms and spend some time on yourself while they take care of your kids and vice-versa.

We should not forget one thing though! Just like moms need me-time, Dads need alone-time too. Ensure that Dads also relax, spend some time on themselves. Also, indulge in some 'we time' where only hubby and wife spend some quality time together.

What do you do to get some 'me time'? How you spend it? Do share :)


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Written by

Shubhada Bhide