4 Marriage Killers You Are Guilting Of Doing Every Day

“Social media can begin to make you believe that your relationship isn't as good as someone else's—a false assumption, as social media doesn't show the whole story.”

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Divorce has become more or less the norm in this day and age, and every time we hear a couple breaking up in the news something dies inside of us.

The disintegration of marriages, however, doesn’t stem from one major event. Instead it’s a collection of little things that have snowballed into a massive collection of personal affronts and little hurts.

Hannah Chudleigh, in her Family Share article, explores the common marriage killers you’re doing every day.

4 marriage killers you are doing every day

1. Not saying thank you

This can also translate to not appreciating your husband. Saying little things such as “thank you” and being generally appreciative of your partner’s efforts is essential to any relationship, not just marital or romantic.

“Showing gratitude will also encourage your spouse by showing him or her that their help is genuinely appreciated,” Hanna says. “Because it can be so easy to begin taking your husband for granted, it is even more important to make sure you are recognizing and thanking them for their efforts.”

2. Gossiping

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One of the worst things you can do to your marriage is talk about your personal problems to other people. Equally harmful is talking about your partner’s inadequacies on social media.

“It undermines your relationship and keeps you focused on the negative things about your spouse instead of the positive things. In abusive situations, however, it is important to seek help from the proper authorities.”

3. Using social media

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Like all thing, everything excessive is bad. Social media is no exception. Hannah also argues that social media not only distracts you from spending quality time together, but social media also portrays the lives of other people in a false manner.

“Social media can begin to make you believe that your relationship isn’t as good as someone else’s—a false assumption, as social media doesn’t show the whole story.”

4. Prioritising your kids above your spouse

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Now this may sound like bad advice, after all children are just as important as your partner when it comes to relationships.

“But you also need to make the time to spend needed, one-on-one time with your spouse. Never forget that your relationship is special. Take some time alone regularly to renew your marriage and focus on each other.”

Written by

James Martinez