How Mammosense Makes Mammograms Comfortable

Tired of painful mammograms? Mammosense can reduce discomfort by 25%. Find out how it’s changing breast cancer screenings!

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Mammosense is transforming the mammogram experience for women, making it much less painful. Many women avoid mammograms because they can be uncomfortable or even painful. This is where Mammosense comes in—it’s designed to reduce the pain, making the process easier and more comfortable for women.


Why Mammograms Can Be Painful

Mammograms involve pressing the breast between two plates to get a clear image of the tissue inside. This helps detect any early signs of breast cancer. Unfortunately, this compression can be painful, especially if too much force is applied. Many women dread going for mammograms because of this, which means some skip important screenings altogether.


How Mammosense Makes a Difference

Mammosense works by figuring out the right amount of pressure needed for each individual, instead of applying a one-size-fits-all approach. The device uses smart technology to measure the breast and then applies just the right amount of compression. This reduces the pain significantly, so women feel more comfortable during the process. In fact, initial trials show that Mammosense can reduce the compression by 34%, leading to 25% less pain.


What Inspired Mammosense?

The idea behind Mammosense came from its inventor, Luke Goh, who noticed how many women, including his own mother, were avoiding mammograms because of the pain. His mother went for one screening and never returned, which got him thinking about how to make the experience better. This led him to develop Mammosense as part of his university project, with the goal of helping more women get the life-saving screenings they need.


The Technology Behind Mammosense

Image from James Dyson Foundation

Mammosense uses advanced technology, called LiDAR, which maps the size and density of the breast. It then calculates the exact force needed to get a clear image while minimising discomfort. This personalised approach ensures that the right amount of pressure is used, no more and no less.

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Why It Matters

Many women avoid going for mammograms because they remember how painful their last one was. Studies show that almost half of women in Europe and the U.S. don’t return for a second mammogram due to the discomfort. Mammosense has the potential to change that, making mammograms less intimidating and encouraging more women to go for regular screenings.


A Step Towards Better Health

By making mammograms less painful, Mammosense could play a key role in improving breast cancer detection rates. The earlier breast cancer is found, the easier it is to treat, and Mammosense could help more women catch it early. If mammograms are more comfortable, fewer women will avoid them, potentially saving lives.

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Looking Ahead

Mammosense has already gained recognition, winning awards for its innovative design. With further development, it could soon be a common feature in hospitals and clinics around the world, ensuring women no longer have to fear the discomfort of mammograms.


Changing the Conversation About Mammograms

Mammograms are an essential health check, but the pain they cause often goes unspoken. Mammosense is changing that conversation by focusing on making the experience more comfortable. This could lead to more women feeling at ease when it’s time for their breast cancer screening.


A Positive Change for Women’s Health

Mammosense is paving the way for a more comfortable mammogram experience. By reducing the pain, it’s encouraging more women to get these crucial screenings without the fear of discomfort. With tools like this, we are taking important steps toward better women’s healthcare and making life-saving screenings something women can approach without hesitation.

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Written by

Matt Doctor