Call it the curse of cinema and romcoms if you may, but the idea of a grand gesture in love and marriage is overrated. You do that once in a relationship. Okay, maybe twice. All right, maybe three times!
There’s only so many times you can go above and beyond to make someone feel special in a grand way. Sooner or later, life will catch up and what were once grand plans turn into diapers, bills, and shopping expenses.
Don’t get us wrong. All of that is very much a part of marriage. It’s about living the normal days with your “significant other” who makes you feel special.
And at most times, the special things come from the little things. As they say, the devil is in the details. It’s also about consistently being there for each other that helps making the marriage better.
But where do you begin to work on your marriage? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
To make things easy for you, we’ve listed seven little tricks that will help improve your relationship with your spouse in the simplest ways possible.
1. Schedule Time With Your Partner
A couple of years into the marriage and you will realise how important time is for both of you. Career commitments and children leave little time to left for yourself, let alone for your partner.
That’s why matching your schedule with theirs might seem like the most daunting task. But here’s where you put in real effort. It’s about making time that will help towards making marriage work.
Make a note of their schedule and try to take out some time to spend with your spouse. Ask them about their day or an event they went to. Strike a conversation about their day at work, maybe.
You may not be able to accompany them for the big and little things throughout the day but taking time to call or catching up in the living room at the end of the day, can make a big difference.
Sometimes, that’s all you need towards making marriage work better.
2. Start Saying “I Love You” More Often After Every Call
You may have been a dreamy couple at the beginning of your relationship but life happens and it’s not the same anymore.
You feel the spark is missing and every day, you interact with fewer words.
Even the closest couples can be distant as the years’ pass. Conversations may feel more formal and silences now fill the room.
However, do remember, this is still the person you still love. So why not tell them this. Take a moment to say “I love you,” at the end of every phone call. It’s okay if you don’t get the same response initially. They will come around.
Sometimes, the simplest gestures are all you need to rediscover that lost love.
3. Pray Together
For those couples who are religious or spiritual, sometimes divine intervention can help. In another case, adding God to the marriage can also work wonders.
While couples can be at opposite ends of the spectrum, God can bring both these ends together to form a trinity.
Moreover, when you pray together, you deliberately put yourself with the other person in the same room.
In essence, you accommodate them in your home, and by extension, in your life.
4. Clean Up After Yourself
Marriage is that of equals and it involves both individuals contributing equally towards working on it.
A lot of that went out of the window when we entered into the lockdown in 2020. As it became more and more obvious, which spouse was the more responsible one.
In most cases, it’s one spouse who is looking after maintaining the house while the other sometimes gets away with not contributing enough.
Your partner may let that slide on a few occasions. But if you consistently do not contribute and clean up after yourself, then it’s just creating a time bomb that would explode at a certain time.
Avoid the chaos completely and just simply put the things where they are supposed to be.
5. Begin Journaling And Doodling
While it’s great that couples are spending more time at home, this also means you have less time for yourself.
Unlike older years where you could simply disconnect from your partner by stepping out of the house, there are more chances of you getting on to each other’s nerves.
So, instead of doing that, try journaling or doodling instead. It helps you channelise your thoughts, calm your body and reflect on your day in your own little space.
This especially helps those who tend to be short-tempered and would want to find distractions or ways to use their time more productively.
6. Add Snack Time To Your Days
Nothing good happens on an empty stomach, not even a loving relationship. So, instead of being frustrated and going hungry throughout the day, take out some snack time with your spouse.
Forget office deadlines, household chores, kids, digital screens and more. Simply dig into your favourite snack, add a beverage to the mix and unwind with your spouse.
Even if you don’t get time to enjoy a snack every day with your partner, you can always make the effort to keep something they like handy.
7. Start Saying ‘Thank You’ More Often
Any relationship is built on love and respect, and the latter needs to be a constant part of life.
While it’s okay with saying “I love you” fewer times to your spouse, a “thank you” is equally comforting. It makes your partner feel appreciated and you come across as thoughtful.
In fact, take some moments to genuinely appreciate your partner’s presence in your life, and thank the stars that they aligned for you.
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