Love Conquers Rafts: Jesseca Liu Saved by Husband Jeremy Chan During Taiwan River Rafting Adventure

Jesseca Liu and Jeremy Chan's love story inspires couples everywhere. Their unwavering commitment, even in the face of danger, testifies to the power of true love.

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Jesseca Liu, 45, and Jeremy Chan, 42, are known for their unwavering love and affection for each other in the world of local showbiz.

Their reality show, Double J Baecation, has been a testament to their sweet relationship as they explore the beautiful landscapes of Japan and Taiwan together.

Source: mewatch


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Jesseca Liu and Jeremy Chan’s Taiwanese Adventure

The latest episode of Double J Baecation takes the couple to the stunning Nashan Na Valley in Yilan, Taiwan.

After enjoying a seaside railway bike trail and visiting a local bookstore, Jesseca and Jeremy decided to embark on an exciting river rafting experience.

Jesseca felt thrilled to soak in the coldness of the river water once again as she, Jeremy, and their two guides formed a human chain while navigating the fast-moving waters of the valley in individual mini rafts.

However, her excitement quickly turned to fear as the waves became choppy, pushing their rafts into rocks and creating a bumpy and exhilarating ride.

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Jeremy Chan’s Heroic Act Saves Jesseca Liu

Source: mewatch

Amidst the chaos, Jeremy heroically showcased his concern for Jesseca’s safety. Jesseca’s raft almost capsized, making her feel like she was falling backwards and thinking she would flip over.

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But suddenly, Jeremy miraculously pulled her back upright. Jesseca turned around and saw Jeremy looking at her with a worried expression on his face.

It turns out that Jeremy was holding onto Jesseca with all his strength to prevent her from capsizing. Jeremy knew that if Jesseca were to capsize there, she would definitely get injured, so he did everything he could to pull her raft upright again.

Jesseca was touched by Jeremy’s heroic act, and she began to tear up as she recounted the incident.

“He didn’t have to do that,” she said with a chuckle. “I would rather experience some things for myself and grow from it. If I’m too protected, I would be like a child who doesn’t fear fire because I’ve never been burned.”

However, Jesseca added, “The reason I love him so much is because I know he loves and protects me more than himself.”

Jeremy’s selfless act of love did not come without a price. While he successfully prevented Jesseca from falling over, he pulled a muscle in his arm in the process.

But Jeremy always puts Jesseca’s safety and well-being first, even if it means putting himself at risk.


A Love Story That Inspires

Jesseca Liu and Jeremy Chan’s love story inspires couples everywhere. Their unwavering commitment, even in the face of danger, testifies to the power of true love.

As parents, we can learn from their example and create a loving and supportive family environment. When facing challenges with loved ones, remember Jeremy Chan’s heroic act and Jesseca Liu’s unwavering love.

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Let their story inspire you to be the best partner and parent possible.


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Written by

Miko Pagaduan