This lovable little boy has finally found his 'forever family'

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A lovable 3-year-old boy has finally found his 'forever family', after waiting for over 800 days to be adopted. And he is just loving it!

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Michael Brown, 3, has the look of pure joy written on his face. After more than 800 days in foster care, and a failed reunion with his mother, Michael has finally found a home he can call his own.

It was ‘meant to be’

Tara Montgomery, Michael’s adopted mother, and a single parent, describes Michael’s addition to the family as ‘meant to be.’ At the time, Michael was living with her on foster care while she was working out how to reunite Michael with his biological mother.

She initially wasn’t planning on adopting Michael, since as a single parent, she wanted to help out kids towards transitioning when they get adopted.

However, the plans to reunite Michael with his mother fell through, and after spending a lot of time with Michael, she said that it just felt right that he becomes a part of their family.

‘Mom, I’m so happy’

Tara shares, “After his mom’s rights were severed, I knew he was going to be ours forever. He is the most loving, smart, funny and happy kiddo. He wakes in the morning and says, ‘Mom, I’m so happy.'”

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The viral photo showing Michael with his fist raised in the air, and a huge smile on his face was taken moments after the adoption went through. Tara’s daughter posted the photo on social media, and that’s when it became viral that thousands of people all over the world commented on the photo.

“We obviously did not know it was going to go viral. My daughter put it on her Twitter, and it just blew up from there.” Tara adds.

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The tweet has received more than 56,000 retweets and 140,000 likes.


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Written by

Alwyn Batara