LOOK: These photos of a baby cuddling with his dog will melt your heart

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This Instagram account is melting the internet's heart with photos of baby Archie and his devoted dog Nora, who are often captured cuddling during naptime

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There are few things more adorable than seeing dogs dote on cute babies, and so this Instagram account is a must-follow for your daily dose of d’aww. Canadian mom Elizabeth Spence and her husband have three children and five rescue pets.

[instagram url=www.instagram.com/p/BFMachvnGI_/ width=670]

“At any time of day you’re likely to find a pile of kids, cats, and/or dogs lying about the house somewhere,” she told The Dodo.

All their kids are great with animals, as the couple taught them from a very young age how to treat them properly. But it is the relationship of their dog Nora and their youngest child Archie that has caught the attention of the internet.

“She came from an abusive background and is afraid of almost everything. Not Archie, though. She absolutely adores him!” 

[instagram url=www.instagram.com/p/BDi5KvCHGLZ/ width=670]

“Archie is an extremely laid-back, happy, good-natured baby and all the animals seem to really respond to that, particularly Nora,” Spence, a stay-at-home mom said. “She came from an abusive background and is afraid of almost everything. Not Archie, though. She absolutely adores him!”

Elizabeth’s photos of Archie and Nora napping together have taken Instagram by storm—her account now has over 62,000 followers, and counting.

Read more about this adorable duo on the next page.

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Spence and her husband adopted Nora, an 8-year-old English Pointer, 7 years ago—before they started having kids. Nora has had a rough start, and is scared of almost everything, except for baby Archie.

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“I can’t recall ever seeing a dog dote on a person as much as Nora does on our boy Archie,” Spence wrote in one caption. “Their relationship is truly one for the books.”

[instagram url=www.instagram.com/p/BFeSQjBHGIM/ width=670]

“If Archie is having a bath, Nora is lying on the bath mat waiting for him to get out,” she told The Dodo. “If I’m nursing him she wants up on my lap, too. If he’s going through my cupboards throwing all the dishes on the floor, she’ll be there cheering him on.”

Spence told Babble that the photos aren’t staged—at the most, she’d add a toy (or even another family pet).

“She is the most passive and loving dog I have ever met and genuinely treats all the kids with absolute love and devotion”

[instagram url=www.instagram.com/p/BGcl4aOnGHx/ width=670]

“Our family bed is definitely that—a family bed!” she said. “Any number of kids, cats or dogs can be found sleeping there at any time of day. I generally nurse my son to sleep on my bed at nap time and then move him to his room or let him stay on my bed if he’s looking too comfortable to move.

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“Nora is always there supervising the entire affair and will definitely move in for cuddles if given the opportunity. She is the most passive and loving dog I have ever met and genuinely treats all the kids with absolute love and devotion.”

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Written by

Cristina Morales