Long wait, happy ending: My son came out at 34 weeks

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Beh Ailing shares her labour story with theAsianparent.com

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My son came out at 34 weeks , simply caught me off guard. I was rushed to the hospital by my father in law when my water bag burst on 27 May 2am. My daughter was still asleep beside me and my hubby was on night shift.

I was put on drip to stop contractions and labour and had to endure two jabs that was meant to pump up my baby’s lungs. The jabs need 48 hours to be effective. Was also curious why baby can stay inside for 2 days while my water bag was still leaking.

29May marks the birth of my son, Kyler. Through induced labour for 8 hours. Each labour experience is different. Indeed both are unforgettable ones..

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