Dear new mummy,
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I can imagine how blessed you and your partner must be feeling! It feels like just yesterday we had our heart wrapped in anticipation – Project Family was about to kick-off.
As soon as our pregnancy was confirmed, my heart raced. The sudden revelation that I was going to be a mother dawned upon me. And, in the next instant, I was imagining my beaming joy when I could finally hold my little one. Finally, sniff my baby’s head and touch those little fingers and toes. With a child growing inside me, I was excited to learn about pregnancy and to prepare for our new family member.
My body will change as this little bean develops. It will also be the first of many changes to come.
Overnight, hubby became very paranoid (or should I say, protective?) about any sudden movements I made, the food I ate and if I was feeling tired. It’s nice to know that our spouses become more attentive, isn’t it? It makes us feel like “we” are having this baby together; the fruit of our love which we shall nurture and grow, just as our hearts beat as one.
The amount of love in the family blooms, as we welcome our bundle of joy.
During pregnancy, our appetites may change. Cravings may be quite unexpected, if I may say so! You might have a sudden urge to eat Char Kway Teow in the middle of the night, and your personal food delivery service is the new daddy lying next to you. That’s just the baby ordering womb service, papa! Pretty sure you’ll be sharing these stories with your little one when he or she is older – pregnancy fun times indeed!
It’s also normal to feel a dip in your energy levels. Your little bean is growing and needs lots of energy too! If I can let you in on a secret, I used to steal catnaps during my lunch breaks! My eyelids were so heavy, they just had to shut tight. Sleep was in high demand during my first trimester, and having an earlier bedtime was a blessing in disguise. Who knew a sleep debt would accumulate after the baby was out? HA!
Our bodies work in mysteriously clever ways, for sure. Listen to your body, and enjoy the rest when you can! It’s one of the ways we show our love to our baby – first, by taking good care of ourselves.
With the monthly visits to the gynaecologist, and supplements needed to nourish baby and mummy, it made me more conscious than ever about our expenses. Wouldn’t it be easier on our pockets if we could enjoy cash rebates or savings off our medical expenses?
Allow me to share with you a money-savvy tip: Remember to keep those receipts from your pre-delivery medical expenses. Mums, did you know that you can claim $900 from the Mediasave Maternity Package, and a portion of your delivery bills? Such family support is certainly comforting to know!
Becoming a mum spurred my resourcefulness too! In fact, any chance to score cash rebates is a winner. With the PAssion POSB Debit Card and POSB Everyday Card, parents who apply for the POSB Smiley Child Development Account (CDA) get to enjoy 3% cashback on local medical services at hospitals, medical and dental clinics. Extra cash means more contributions to our baby’s funds!
Taking care of the practical aspects of raising children helps manage expectations and expenses.
I remember how excited hubby was with all the preparations for our new baby. We went through multiple checklists on things to buy, changes to our home to set up a nursery and practical planning of our finances, insurance and child-caring arrangements. I’ve never been quite sensitive to numbers – and I count myself one of those with better restraint on impulse buys. Well, until we had kids and then it was a different story!
My firstborn is a girl, so the temptation to buy all those cute dresses and shoes for her was hard to resist! Oh, it was so hard to hold back when seeing them, but remembering that we needed to save up for our child’s future and the things that really mattered, we decided to go with saving instead. These little changes are simple steps towards the bigger things in life – the best for our family.
With the Government’s support via the Baby Bonus Scheme and the POSB Smiley CDA, that means extra help for our baby’s education and healthcare needs. Mums would also be heartened to know that their savings grow with the dollar-for-dollar matching by the Government, in addition to earning 2% p.a. interest. You have probably heard that it takes a village to raise a child. This is true, and having your spouse, family and support from the community make a positive difference!
Making changes to our home and our lifestyle is part of having a new member to love and care for. Seeing our happy, healthy baby makes everything worth it.
Soon, you’ll start to feel nudges and kung fu kicks from inside. That’s your cutie saying, “I’m happy to be here, mummy!”
As your bump grows, you will marvel at the wonders of pregnancy and life. Pregnancy is a wonderful time to enjoy quiet moments with your little baby, just the two of you, so close and so tight.
Before long, your home will be filled with oodles of baby giggles, packs of diapers and overflowing love. Creating precious memories together will be so much fun, and returning home to your smiley baby every day makes everything worth it.
With love, from one mum to another,
A mummy still learning to be a mother everyday

The article is written in collaboration with POSB Smiley CDA to support parents in raising children in Singapore. Apply online for an account today!
Are you expecting your child soon? Do share with us how you will be preparing for your new baby!
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