A dad's letter to his daughter

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A father writes "a letter to my daughter" after tearfully watching her kindergarten graduation ceremony.

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!

Yesterday, I attended the kindergarten graduation ceremony organised by your childcare centre. The previous one that I attended was three decades ago when the ceremony was just about a group of parents, standing outside the kindergarten, watching their little ones through the windows, receiving the graduation certs from their teachers followed by a simple celebration party. I was one of those little chaps draped in a graduation gown.

Recital gone wrong, out of sync dance steps, creation of new dance moves not taught by teachers etc. These were common sights throughout the session. Instead of viewing them as three to six years old kids strutting stuff in their own way, I saw them as fine young men and ladies taking their budding steps to becoming future CEOs, engineers, doctors, lawyers and choreographers (Those who created their dance moves should have the potential keke) etc.

Boredom couldn’t find me for a single moment throughout the hour and a half graduation ceremony. Instead, I found it entertaining and inspiring especially in the children performance. They displayed bravery, confidence and their eagerness to show the world what they can achieve.

The two times that I left my seat was when I went up right up to the front of the stage to get coverage of you. Lying low, contorted in an awkward position while steadying the camera was no easy feat! But with the help of a kind soul who was willing to lend me the arm of his chair, I managed to get a decent footage of your performance. Thank you, stranger!

Kudos to the teaching staff and all the crew members who made the event a success and the children who gave their very best to put up a stellar performance ! It was an hour and a half well spent on a rainy Saturday for Uncle and Auntie.

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!

You’ll always be my baby girl!

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!


Girl, when you are old enough to see this post online, I would had attended all your graduation ceremonies. I want to tell you that Papa is very proud of you all these while.

At your first graduation ceremony performance, Papa teared at the bottom of the stage but those were tears of joy. I know you would grow up to be what you want and pursue your goals to the very best you can. In my heart, you will always be my little princess and Papa will always love you as you are.

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!

Written by

Tan Chin Hock