Facing Problems in Your Marriage? Lost? Confused? Looking for Advice on How to Proceed?

A divorce can be one of the hardest times of your life. But there’s help available. If you’re looking for legal advice for divorce, expert answers to your questions, or just a little guidance on what to do next, we have the answer for you.

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When marital problems become too much, it could be time to seek help. Legal advice for divorce is within your reach. Gloria James-Civetta & Co specializes in family law. Our lawyers have extensive experience in dealing with various types of matrimonial proceedings. We have a wide clientele base, and our family lawyers are well-versed and keep up-to-date with the latest developments of the law.

Read on to for some of the common queries couples have when contemplating divorce, and hear from the experts at GJC Law.

Read More: 6 Questions before Filing for Divorce

Seeking legal advice for divorce? We’re here to answer all your questions

What is a Collaborative Family Practice (CFP) and how does this benefit both parties in a divorce?

Before heading straight to court, consider another way to resolve issues. Collaborative Family Practice (CFP) is an approach that parties may consider before commencing formal court proceeding in view of reaching a settlement. It is suitable for matters where there are children involved as it encourages both parties to maintain an amicable relationship. Both parties are also able to enjoy the flexibility of crafting an outcome suited to the family’s needs.

It only involves the parties and their respective divorce lawyers who shall work jointly to facilitate and assist the parties in resolving the matrimonial dispute.

Read More: Collaborative Divorce in Singapore

How are matrimonial assets usually distributed?

The court will take into account two main factors when ascertaining the division of matrimonial assets:

  • Direct financial contribution
  • Indirect contribution

Direct financial contribution refers to the financial contributions that one party has made towards the acquisition of the matrimonial asset.

Indirect contribution refers to both the monetary and non-monetary contributions made by the party towards the family.

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In this case, monetary contributions include household and children’s expenses, and indirect monetary contributions refer to contributions in the domestic sphere, such as household chores, and caring for children.

The court will take into account the above two factors and confer a ratio for each factor to each party. The average of both ratios will determine the proportion in which the matrimonial assets are to be divided.

Read More: Division of Matrimonial Assets in Singapore

My marriage partner and I hold joint property and shares abroad. How will they be divided in the event of a divorce?

If you have assets overseas, especially property, you may be required to transfer the matrimonial proceedings to the High Court of Singapore. This is because parties will subsequently need to mirror the Singapore order in the foreign country. Shares in overseas companies will need to be valued. And they will similarly form part of the matrimonial pool of assets to be divided.

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Divorce lawyers at GJC Law have the knowledge and resources necessary to advice you on fair division of overseas assets.

Read More: Agreements between Husband and Wife over Matrimonial Assets

Will there always be spousal maintenance in case of a divorce? What determines the amount of maintenance to be paid?

The court will consider the circumstances of respective cases when deciding whether or not a spouse should be accorded with maintenance.

If a spouse is self-sufficient and has the financial means or earning capacity to support himself or herself, the court will be less inclined to order for spousal maintenance.

However, if the court were to make an order for spousal maintenance, the court will take into account factors such as both spouses’ financial means, earning capacity and reasonable monthly expenses, when ascertaining the quantum of the maintenance.

You may wish to discuss with our Singapore divorce lawyers on whether the court is likely to order for maintenance in your case. If so, our experienced divorce lawyers will also be able to advise you on the mechanics for the payment of maintenance, be it periodically or in a lump sum.

Read More: Spousal Maintenance – Questions in your Mind

I have a child and am thinking of a divorce. What do I need to take note of when considering getting custody of my child?

If you want to fight for custody, you must have the best interest and welfare of the child as your paramount consideration.

  • Are you the primary caregiver?
  • Do you think you are fit to be a parent?
  • Are you child-centric?
  • Are you the parent that makes the major decisions pertaining to the child’s, medical needs, schooling and/or relocation needs?

If so then you will have a better chance of prevailing in your application for custody.

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Read More: 4 Key Questions about Child Custody in Singapore

What are the consultation and divorce packages available for GJC Law?

Our firm charges are based on a fee range and our clients’ budget needs. We offer a free 30 minutes consultation on the divorce process with one of our divorce lawyers so that you can be better informed on what to expect once you decide to commence proceedings.

Our firm also offers fixed fee divorce packages for clients who intend to proceed on an uncontested and simplified divorce. This means our firm can draft and file the necessary court documents for both parties without a need to attend court.

You may wish to contact one of our divorce lawyers to learn about our estimated legal costs that you will incur for your matrimonial proceedings.

Read More: Divorce Packages in Singapore

About Gloria James-Civetta, Head Lawyer at GJC Law

Our Head Lawyer, Gloria James-Civetta has 23-years of experience. She is an advocate & solicitor, barrister, mediator, negotiator and collaborative practice lawyer. Gloria is also a certified Associate Mediator at the State Courts of Singapore and the Singapore Mediation Centre. She was one of the first batch of divorce lawyers in Singapore qualified to practice Collaborative Family Law. She has presided over many collaborative divorce matters and matrimonial disputes to successful resolution.

Gloria is also a CDC Certified Divorce Coach acting as the missing link for clients who do not yet require a divorce lawyer but rather, is in need of strong support from someone who would listen, support, and be there for him/her during the difficult journey ahead.

Read more about Ms. Gloria James

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