Kylie Jenner thinks having kids after 30 is 'too late'

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The youngest ‘Kardashian’ wants to be a mom before she's 30. She opens up about her hopes and dreams for the future and it’s not what you’d expect

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The 18-year-old has grown up in the public eye. Not a lot of teens get to say that their adolescence has been part of the storyline of one of the longest running reality shows worldwide.

But she is carving her own place in the industry with her own cosmetic line.

Recently appearing on the cover of Paper magazine, Kylie opened up about what she wants out of life, now that she’s entering adulthood.

Her answer? Three simple things: “Business-wise, I would love to have a really successful cosmetic line and then family/personal-wise, I’d like to have a really big family and a farm.”

In a question and answer portion with friends and fans she also shared what she believes is the biggest misconception about her: “probably that I’m just super fake and that at 16/17, I got my full face reconstructed and that I only care about materialistic things.”

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Kylie is a doting aunt to her nieces and nephews. Here, she gives a piggy back ride to Mason, her sister Kourtney’s son (photo: FameFlyNet)

She also revealed that she’d like to start a family sooner, unlike her sisters. “I don’t want to start having a baby when I’m 30!” said Kylie. “I don’t believe in after 30—I don’t know.”

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This was in response to Paper asking her about the time she said having kids after 30 is “too late”.

Though her sisters Kourtney and Kim had kids after 30, Kylie reveals they, too, wanted to be mums before turning 30: “But they all wanted to have kids before,” she reveals. “Kim was like, ‘I better have two kids before 30.’ She always said that.”

READ: Is Kim Kardashian confusing female empowerment with self-promotion?

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza