How to keep your marriage fresh and exciting

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Read on for tips to keep the love and romance alive in your marriage.

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Do you remember the first time you met the person who would be your future spouse? That first date? The places and activities you used to go and do together?

how to keep your marriage fresh

How to keep your marriage fresh: Remember the first date you had with your spouse?

Fast forward a couple of years after marriage and some may say the “sparkle” of romance seems to have faded. Is life together becoming rather routine and dull? Too often, married couples get caught up in the routine of work, parenting and the day to day humdrum of things such that maintaining the emotional excitement of “being in love” can be difficult when the daily realities assert themselves.

But dating shouldn’t stop with marriage. Couples need to nurture the foundation of their family – their marriage and relationship with each other. Keeping the spark in marriage alive takes time and effort.

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Check out the ideas below on how to keep your marriage fresh and exciting!

Here are some ideas on how to date your spouse, meet his/her need and freshen up your marriage.

Ideas for dating your wife

  • Relive your early dating days when you were friends by doing activities or going to places you enjoyed together as friends. Rekindle that friendship with your wife again.
  • Plan a picnic with a twist – in your living room. This is something you can do any time of the year. As you enjoy your picnic, affirm and encourage her.

Give your wife some me-time with a bubble bath while you help to put the kids to bed.

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  • Light some aromatherapy candles in the bathroom and let her indulge in a luxurious bubble bath while you put the children to bed. Then enjoy some intimate time together over a nice dessert.
  • If your wife has been through a tough time, disappointment or hurt, you can show her unconditional love and acceptance when you say “I love you no matter what.”

More tips on how to keep your marriage fresh on the next page.

Ideas for dating your husband

  • If your husband is man who loves the great outdoors, take him on a date to his favourite outdoor place (e.g. hiking, canoeing). Just make sure it’s an activity and a place where you can talk.
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Plan a camping trip with your husband so that you both can spend some quality time together.

  • Invite a few of his closest friends (and their wives if they’re married) for an evening to celebrate and “toast” to your husband. It can be a meal or just dessert either at home or a restaurant. This is meant to be a time of encouragement for your husband.
  • Find out more about his hobby or something he’s passionate about and be involved with him. Let him teach you about the subject matter and discover why it is his passion.

Set aside some time alone with your husband, and talk about your hopes and dreams together.

  • Take your husband to a place of really good memories for him. Talk about the memories (good or bad) and then talk about the future together.

It takes both husband and wife to make the mundane special. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but seize every opportunity to bring your marriage from good to great all year round!

Got other fabulous ideas to keep your marriage fresh that you can share? We’d love to hear from you!

Adapted from 40 Unforgettable Dates with Your Mate by Dr Gary & Barbara Rosberg. Reprinted with permission from Focus on the Family Singapore, a local charity dedicated to helping families thrive by providing quality family life education and resources.

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