Intrauterine Insemination or IUI: Your Guide to Boosting Your Chances at Pregnancy

Learn more about this fertility procedure and find out if this is suitable for you.

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Are you and your partner dreaming of starting a family but facing some fertility challenges? Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), also known as artificial insemination, could be the answer you've been looking for.

Intrauterine Insemination is a fertility treatment procedure that involves directly placing sperm into a woman's uterus. It is a popular option for couples facing infertility. In this guide, we'll take you through the ins and outs of IUI, its benefits, and why it may be the right fertility treatment option for you.

What is IUI or Intrauterine Insemination?

IUI is a fertility treatment procedure that aims to facilitate fertilisation by increasing the chances of sperm reaching the fallopian tubes. It is a less invasive and more affordable option compared to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

IUI Procedure

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The procedure involves several steps, starting with the diagnosis and determining if IUI is the right choice for you and your partner. If needed, hormone stimulation will be performed to prepare your body for ovulation. On the day of the procedure, a semen sample will be collected and processed in the laboratory to extract high-quality sperm.

The final step is the actual insemination, where the prepared sperm is gently inserted into your uterus using a thin catheter. After the procedure, you may choose to rest for a short period to give the sperm a better chance of reaching the egg.

Here's a table explaining the step-by-step process and timeline for the IUI procedure:

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Step Description Timeline
Step 1: Diagnosis Consultation with a fertility specialist to determine if IUI is a suitable option for you and your partner Varied
Step 2: Cycle Preparation Ovulation induction (if needed) with hormone stimulation to increase chances of fertilization 1 to 2 weeks
Step 3: Semen Collection Collection of a semen sample from the male partner or a sperm donor On the day of the procedure
Step 4: Semen Preparation Laboratory processing of the semen sample to isolate high-quality sperm Approximately 1 to 2 hours
Step 5: Insemination Insertion of prepared sperm into the woman's uterus using a thin catheter A few minutes
Step 6: Bed Rest Optional bed rest period after the procedure to allow sperm to travel towards the egg 10 to 30 minutes

Who Can Benefit from IUI

Based on the provided information from Virtus Fertility Centre Singapore, Intrauterine Insemination is recommended for individuals or couples who have specific fertility issues. The following are the groups of people who are recommended to undergo IUI:

  1. Couples with Unexplained Infertility: IUI is a recommended fertility treatment for couples who have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Unexplained infertility refers to cases where a clear cause of infertility cannot be identified through standard fertility evaluations.

  2. Hostile Cervical Mucus: It can be beneficial for individuals with hostile cervical mucus. Hostile cervical mucus refers to a condition where the mucus in the cervix hinders the sperm's ability to reach and fertilise the egg.

  3. Minor Sperm Abnormalities: IUI is suitable for couples where the male partner has minor sperm abnormalities. The procedure helps by increasing the chances of the sperm reaching the egg.

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  4. Male Fertility Issues: This can be a successful option for couples dealing with other male fertility issues. It can assist in cases where the male partner has certain fertility challenges affecting conception.

  5. Semen Frozen for Partner's Absence: IUI can be used when the partner's semen has been frozen, making it possible to achieve pregnancy even when the partner is absent during the fertile time of the woman's cycle (e.g., due to travel for work).

It's essential for individuals or couples experiencing fertility issues to consult a fertility specialist to determine if IUI is the right option for their specific situation.

What happens after an IUI

Can I resume normal activities after an IUI?

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After the procedure, you will be sent home and you can do nearly everything you used to do with two exceptions. It’s best to avoid alcohol, hot tubs and saunas for the two weeks before your pregnancy test because they can be harmful to a developing embryo, according to Dr Paula C. Brady, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist at the NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center.

IVF Success Rate

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Age plays a role in IUI success, as younger women generally have higher success rates due to age-related decline in fertility. The chances of successful fertilisation during IUI are improved with higher sperm count, motility, and morphology.

The success rates can be influenced by the specific cause of infertility. Fertility specialists may recommend multiple cycles of IUI to increase the chances of success, as each subsequent cycle improves the cumulative success rates.

Studies have shown that intrauterine insemination combined with ovarian stimulation can lead to higher success rates compared to natural insemination cycles.

How long does it usually take to get pregnant with IUI?

According to New York Times article, a typical IUI cycle begins at the start of your period and ends when you take a blood pregnancy test, about two weeks after your IUI. First, you'll get a blood test on the second or third day of your period to confirm that you aren't already pregnant.

The exact time it takes to get pregnant after IUI can vary from person to person, and it may require multiple attempts. So, it's essential to be patient and consult with your fertility specialist for personalised guidance and expectations.

IUI Advantages

IUI offers several advantages that make it a favourable option for couples seeking fertility treatment. Firstly, it is a less invasive procedure compared to other fertility treatments, involving no surgical interventions or the use of fertility drugs that stimulate multiple egg production. This makes it a relatively simple and minimally intrusive process.

Secondly, IUI is generally more affordable than in vitro fertilisation (IVF), making it a practical choice for couples who want to pursue fertility treatment without the financial burden of more complex procedures.

Moreover, it aims to facilitate a natural fertilisation process by placing sperm directly into the uterus, allowing them to reach the fallopian tubes more easily. This increases the likelihood of successful conception.

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Another advantage is the flexibility of IUI, as it can be combined with other fertility treatments like ovulation induction or fertility medications, further enhancing the chances of achieving pregnancy.

For those facing issues such as unexplained infertility, hostile cervical mucus, minor sperm abnormalities, or other male fertility problems, IUI has shown to be successful in achieving pregnancy.

Additionally, IUI can also be utilised in cases where semen has been frozen, making it possible to conceive even when the partner is absent during the woman's fertile time due to work or other commitments.

Overall, IUI's less invasive nature, affordability, promotion of natural fertilization, and flexibility in combination with other treatments make it an appealing choice for couples on their journey to parenthood.

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Disadvantages of IUI

  • Lower success rates compared to IVF

While IUI can be an effective treatment option for certain infertility issues, its success rates tend to be lower than those of in vitro fertilization (IVF). The chances of achieving pregnancy with IUI can vary depending on factors such as the cause of infertility, age, and sperm quality.

  • Dependence on sperm quality

IUI relies heavily on the quality of the sperm used. If the male partner has severe sperm abnormalities, such as a very low count or poor motility, the success rates of IUI may be significantly reduced.

  • Limited effectiveness in certain cases

IUI may not be suitable or effective for certain fertility issues. For example, if there are significant blockages in the fallopian tubes, IUI may not be able to overcome this obstacle for fertilization to occur.

  • Risk of multiple pregnancies

IUI carries a higher risk of multiple pregnancies compared to natural conception. This is because fertility medications used to stimulate ovulation during IUI can lead to the release of multiple eggs. Multiple pregnancies pose increased health risks for both the mother and the babies.

  • Emotional and psychological challenges

As with any fertility treatment, undergoing IUI can be emotionally and psychologically challenging for individuals and couples. The anticipation of success, the stress of the procedure, and the disappointment of unsuccessful attempts can take an emotional toll.


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What is the difference between IUI and IVF?

Both IUI and IVF are assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments that can help couples struggling with infertility issues. IUI is a less invasive option that directly places sperm into the uterus, while IVF involves fertilising eggs and sperm outside the body before transferring resulting embryos back into the uterus.

IVF generally has higher success rates, making it suitable for more complex fertility cases. However, IUI is a more affordable and less invasive choice, making it a viable starting point for milder infertility cases.

1. Procedure IUI directly places sperm into the uterus, facilitating natural fertilisation. IVF involves fertilising eggs and sperm outside the woman's body before transferring resulting embryos back into the uterus.
2. Complexity IUI is minimally invasive and involves fewer steps. IVF is more complex, requiring ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilisation in a laboratory dish, and embryo implantation.
3. Success Rates IVF generally has higher success rates compared to IUI. IUI's success rates are typically lower than IVF.
4. Indications Fertility specialists recommend IUI for milder infertility cases, such as ovulation disorders or male fertility issues. IVF is suitable for a broader range of fertility issues, including more complex cases like blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, and severe male infertility.
5. Cost IUI is generally more affordable than IVF due to fewer procedures involved. IVF is costlier due to the additional steps and laboratory processes required.

Ultimately, the choice between IUI and IVF depends on individual circumstances, including factors like age, specific causes of infertility, and personal preferences. Consulting with a fertility specialist is crucial to determine the most suitable option and increase the chances of successful conception.

IUI Cost in Singapore

The cost of intrauterine insemination in Singapore can vary depending on different factors. On average, one round of IUI treatment may cost anywhere from SGD$600 to $1000. However, it's essential to keep in mind that this cost excludes additional expenses such as GST, doctor consultation fees, medication, and other investigation costs, which can add up to around another $2000.

The total cost of IUI can also be influenced by individual needs and the specific components involved in the treatment cycle, such as monitoring and bloodwork, medication for ovulation stimulation (which can range in price depending on the protocol), and the sperm wash and insemination process itself.

Couples can explore options to make infertility treatment more affordable, including using Medisave, which allows withdrawals of up to $6,000 for the first cycle, $5,000 for the second cycle, and $4,000 for subsequent cycles.

Additionally, the government introduced co-funding for IUI at public hospitals, covering up to three cycles for eligible couples, with co-funding percentages varying based on citizenship status. Considering these costs and available funding options can help couples make informed decisions as they embark on their journey to start a family.

Consult your doctor if you are interested to learn more about IUI and if it's the right option for you. 

Image Source: iStock

Republished with permission from theAsianparent Philippines.

Updates from Camille Eusebio

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