‘It’s Been 2 Years, She’s Too Tired’: Husband’s Tearful Plea for Wife To Stop Breastfeeding Moves Netizens in China

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Though breastfeeding is good for the baby’s immune system, it can be taxing on the mother. Apart from engorged breasts and cracked nipples, breastfeeding mothers also need to sacrifice their beauty sleep just to produce milk for their little ones. 

After watching his breastfeeding wife, Ding, go without a full night’s sleep in the two years since their child was born, an unnamed husband wanted to help her, reported Bailu Video. 

So, in his drunken state, the man – who is from Henan province in central China – decided to convince Ding’s parents to let her stop breastfeeding.

A trending online video showed the man visiting his in-laws last Friday (Feb 2). 

With his arms folded across his chest, the man wept as he told them how breastfeeding had impacted his wife. 

“It’s been over two years, and she’s never had a good sleep. She is too tired.”

“Please ask my wife to wean our baby off breast milk,” he said in Mandarin.

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Though surprised by her husband’s sudden actions, Ding admitted that she was touched by his concern. 

“I am moved. My hubby sees the hard work I put in,” she said, adding that occasionally when she tells him she doesn’t need help from him, he feels aggrieved. 

However, despite her husband’s valiant attempt, Ding plans on continuing breastfeeding. 

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Why? Because doctors have told her that she was healthy and breastfeeding could prevent the baby from developing allergies

How long should a mother breastfeed?

Last June, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released recommendations that supported mothers breastfeeding for two years.

But while the breast is best, it isn’t for every mother and child. 

Sometimes, a mother may not be able to breastfeed as she may have a low milk supply

Neither can she do so if she has a medical condition, or is on contraindicated medicines that can pass through to the breast milk. 

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“The decision to breastfeed is such a personal and emotional choice, and not everyone can breastfeed, nor continue for any duration,” said Lactation counsellor Dr Michelle Ng at The Family Zone in Hong Kong.  

This article was first published on AsiaOne and republished on theAsianparent with permission.

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