It's a BIG baby!

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Woong Teck Leong shares his wife's labour story with

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Our first born was supposed to be delivered natural on 30 Dec 2009 and my wife was warded in the morning to be ready for the birth of our son.

However, we waited from morning to late evening and the baby still refused to come out.

The Gynae decided that the baby has to be delivered via C section instead. I was in the operating theatre the whole process and saw how the Gynae cut and pull open the womb region with all his might.

He then thrusted his hands into the womb area and pulled out a big, chubby and crying baby while telling me “What a big baby, I bet with you he is at least 5kg!”

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I was smart not to take the bet as the baby was 5.5kg – my big bundle of JOY!

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