How To Cope With Sending Kids Back To School? Here's What Parents Need To Know

Parents are under constant dilemma if is it safe to go back to school amidst the pandemic? If you find yourself disturbed by this question, read on.

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Just when you thought you were getting the hang of home-based learning (HBL) with your child, it's time to go back to school again. And as much as we've been looking forward to this kind of normalcy in our lives, things aren't straightforward as we'd hope. 

The Covid-19 pandemic still remains a sword looming over our heads and things have only gone more complicated with every new variant. There is also the concern of the Delta variant and the lack of vaccines for children.

In fact, kids below the age of 12 years remain the most vulnerable with the vaccine yet to get authorisation from federal departments. 

So, this does beg the question, is it safe to go back to school? The answer is a little complicated and not easy.

Most parents go through a mixed bag of emotions that includes anxiety, guilt, and uncertainty. But the key point to remember is that you need to learn how to cope with everything that's happening.

Moreover, you need to be kinder to yourself and your children during this period. 

So, before you ask yourself is it safe to go back to school? Here are some key things that you need to remember.

1. Acknowledge And Handle Your Emotions

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Given the uncertainty around us in the moment, there's just not enough that we know or can do to keep ourselves safe. Parenting isn't an easy journey with or without the pandemic.

So, please cut yourself some slack and acknowledge a bad day as much as a good one. 

Moreover, some parents may also feel vulnerable about sending their child back to school. You may feel guilty about putting them in an unsafe environment.

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However, the alternatives to the same may not be the most viable at the moment. And that's a mental barrier that you will have to pass. 

2. Don't Fret Over Things Beyond Your Control

Not just during the pandemic but in life as well, we tend to think and overthink about things that are beyond our control. It makes you feel more vulnerable than you should, bringing in a sense of loss. 

For instance, if the school isn't too serious about making kids wear a face mask, there isn't much you can do about it. It easier to not send your child to school but that would be restricting their academic progress.

Meanwhile, you can't be responsible for ensuring every child is wearing a mask at all times in the school. 

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As a parent, you need to manage your thoughts, emotions, frustrations around this, which will get projected on your child as well. You need to cope with things that are beyond your control and can only safeguard yourself in such situations. 

3. What About Things You Can Control?

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For the things you can't control, you cope with the situation. For the things you can control, you make a plan. The doesn't make face masks compulsory, make sure your child wears one. Equip them with a sanitiser, wet wipes and basic instructions on touching surfaces and the face. 

Add a few more masks in their bag, in case they end up soiling this one. 

At the same time, prepare your child for the social isolation, such a decision might bring. It's easier for kids to not follow rules when their peers aren't doing it either.

Social distancing, face masks and the lack of human touch can be isolating. That's something not great for the child's emotional wellbeing. 

The idea is to pre-empt such issues and preparing your child for the same. You can also encourage your child to connect with other kids who are following similar rules, allowing them a common base to build friendship on. 

4. Easing Anxiety In Parents And Children

It's okay for parents to be anxious about sending their children back to school. However, the complication is when you transfer your anxiety to the little one.

Kids tend to easily pick up emotional notes from their mum and dads.

However, it's important for the adults to speak to the kids about how they are feeling and what can be made best out of the situation.

You don't need to go into the details but communicating to your child about how you feel is an important part of the parent-child relationship.

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5. How Do You Feel Less Guilty?

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As the question - is it safe to go back to school? - looms over your head, you may feel guilty about sending your child to school in the middle of the pandemic.

However, the simpler way to feel less guilty or at least find a new perspective is to see the brighter side of things. 

An easier way to do this would be a SWOT analysis as you would with other things in life. Divide the page into pros and cons and see which ones weigh more.

How does your child benefit from going to school vs what are the risks of sending them? It will help you gain perspective about the situation and make more rational decisions going forward. 

Despite weighing the pros and cons, looking for a silver lining and easing your anxiety, sending your child back to school may still feel like an emotional turmoil.

This may be a sign of finding professional help when it comes to mental health counselling. If your emotions are overwhelming on a regular basis and often overpower your relationships, job or other factors, it's time to seek professional help. 


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Written by

Sameer C