'Not Everybody Has To Accept My Relationship With Him': Interracial Couple Opens Up About The Challenges They Have Faced

"It's a blessing if your family can accept your other half. But, if they don't, it's not that big a deal because you have each other."

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!

The name Deanna’s Kitchen may ring a bell for some of you, especially if you’re a foodie or a Muslim.

Helmed by 37-year-old Denise Deanna Chew and her husband, Muhammad Asri Ramli, 41, the humble Muslim-owned hawker chain specialises in wholesome bowls of prawn mee sans pork and lard — a rarity in the local hawker scene. 

However, less is known about the the tribulations the interracial couple had to go through just to get to where they are today.


Racism In Singapore: Are You Unknowingly A Racist?

Exposure To Racism And Violence Hampers Children’s Learning, Behaviour, And Health

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