I had healthy glowing skin in just 60 minutes!

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Working mums, you want to rejuvenate your tired looking skin, but don't have the time? I tried out DRx Medispa's signature O2 Rejuvenate with Atoxelene treatment and ended up with instantly glowing skin in just one session!

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!

Instant glowing skin – those are magical words for any woman.

For a working mum, with no time for herself, they are nothing short of a miracle.

As a working mum of a four year old, I am always so busy taking care of my family’s needs and work commitments that I barely ever get time for myself. One of the first casualties of this lack of “me-time” has been my beauty regimen.

It is hard for me to remember the last time I managed to get a peaceful pedicure, let alone a facial. This, with the hectic pace of my life has meant that I often end up looking more fatigued than I am. Friends and family tell me that I look tired (even when I am not!).

So when I heard that DRx Medispa has a facial that could instantly rejuvenate my complexion with just one session, my reaction was: Why not try it out?

I was pretty excited. Instant glowing skin without having to constantly make space in my non-existent free time? Definitely a must-try for me!

I called ahead and booked my appointment at DRx Medispa. The fact that it is located in the heart of the city meant that I could also get to it easily.

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!

DRx Medispa offers busy mums the chance to have healthy and glowing skin in just one session.

A warm welcome sets the tone

On the day I was to go in, I got my errands finished in time and was super excited. I was really looking forward to my session.

A word of advice dear ladies, don’t confuse a Medispa with a regular day spa. While you head to a spa for a day out and for pampering, a Medispa is geared towards results.

It seemed to me that Medispas are actually ideal for busy mums like me — short on time and wanting immediate results.

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!

At a Medispa you have trained and experienced therapists who administer the treatments. Typically, a Medispa uses higher pharmaceutical grade equipments and products and treatments are carefully designed by doctors.

But my welcome into DRx Medispa was warm and cheerful, unlike a visit to the doctors! I was greeted by the very helpful and charming receptionists who got me to fill out forms asking me about my medical and skin history.

With its ambient lighting, soothing music and comfortable massage chairs, the waiting area set the tone for the experience that was to come.

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!

The therapist’s touch was firm yet comfortable, putting me at ease immediately.

The treatment begins

When being booked in for my appointment, I had opted for the 60 minute session of their multi-award winning O2 Rejuvenate with Atoxelene treatment. This facial treatment promised to make  my skin look healthy and rejuvenated in just one session.

So I stepped into the therapy room with great expectations.

After introducing herself and helping me settle in, my therapist briefly talked to me about the treatment process and gave me the chance to ask any questions that I may have had, putting me at ease immediately. I guess no treatment is going to work, if you are constantly stressed through it!

My therapist began by cleaning my face with a slightly creamy solution before lathering on a bubbly liquid. It was light and did not over-dry my skin.

Then she used what I can only describe as mini of vacuum cleaners all over my face. Needless to say, I wanted to know what that was all bout. My therapist patiently  explained that this technology helps to remove the dead skin cells.

Wow! Microdermabrasion without the strong chemicals and rough exfoliation! I was pretty happy. The pressure applied was firm but mild and gentle.

This tiny facial ‘vacuum’ gently removed all the surface dirt and impurities

Next was the step I hate most during my facials – extraction. (Yes, I know. Me, you and tens of thousands of other women.) I was pleasantly surprised that it more painless than I had anticipated.

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!

Read on to find out what I looked like at the end of my treatment! Did I have the instantly glowing skin?

Liquid oxygen for my face!

Technology works a miracle

The next part of the treatment was the most interesting for me.

This is where DRx Medispa’s advanced technology made this a different experience from all other facials that I have had before. My therapist showed me a syringe filled with a whitish creamy liquid which she injected into a metallic contraption hooked to a tube (very sci-fi, I know!).

As she hovered it over my face, I could feel little puffs of liquid, almost like dew, raining down over whichever facial area she was focusing on. That was apparently the O2 Treatment that was meant to rejuvenate and revitalize my skin cells! O2 essentially means oxygen. Basically pressurized streams of oxygen is used to deliver active ingredients into the skin to repair, hydrate and improve your skin tone and texture.

I was getting a great liquid oxygen boost to my entire face on a cellular level. Wow.

All through the therapist was wonderful. I never felt any discomfort at all.

Scarlett – DRx’s really friendly staff and me post the treatment! Scarlett (on the left) was a staunch believer and avid customer of the DRx method before she started working for them. She continues her beauty regime with them even now.

And the results say it all…

And just like that my 60 minutes were over, and I was ready to see the results.

The treatment itself was a great experience because the whole process was really relaxing (even though it was held in a Medispa). It was just what I needed to soothe my frazzled mummy nerves. But what did my skin look like?

I looked into a mirror and immediately I could see visible results just after one session. My skin felt hydrated and some of its healthy glow had been restored. My skin looked much younger, healthier and firmer than when I had walked in an hour ago.

Yes I could see the concrete benefits of the treatment, especially given the months of neglect that my skin had suffered.

I have to say, with its wide range of effective facial treatments, DRx Medispa could quite easily become my go-to place for monthly facials for fast results.

I was so pleased with the treatment I convinced the team at DRx Medispa to offer theAsianparent readers a special discount.

Treatments at DRx Medispa are strictly by appointment only. So call on +65 62231555 to book your appointment now, and do remember to tell them that you are a reader of theAsianparent to enjoy 40% off first trial.

Written by

Leigh Fan