Inside Look: The Singapore Education System and Its Secrets to Success, According to Irish Educator

Take some notes from Singapore and get proactive about our children's futures. After all, investing in their education today is an investment in a better tomorrow for us all!

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Last month, John Boyle from the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) got an inside look at Singapore’s acclaimed education system during the International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP).

The theme? “Reimagining education, realising potential” – and boy, did Singapore deliver! Reps from top-performing education systems worldwide were in attendance.

He came back with some major insights into what makes this tiny island nation’s approach to education so successful. Here are 10 reasons why the Singapore education system is a global trailblazer.


Why Singapore Education System Leads the Pack

Source: Flickr

From Rags to Riches
In 1965, Singapore was a broke, illiterate island. Fast forward to today, and it’s a nation of almost 6 million people living the high life. Singapore’s education system played a pivotal role in this incredible transformation.

Education = Top Priority
Singapore knew early on that investing heavily in the Singapore education system was the key to economic success. Smart move!

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School Digs on Fleek
Boyle was blown away by the swanky school facilities in the Singapore education system, from well-designed classrooms to specialist rooms for everything from music to special needs support.

Curriculum Game Strong
The Singapore education system’s curriculum is no joke. From math and science to languages, kids get a well-rounded education from day one.

Teacher Talent
The teachers in the Singapore education system are the real MVPs. They go through intense training to ensure they’re delivering top-notch lessons.

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Source: iStock

Learning Environment on Point
Low student-teacher ratios, state-of-the-art buildings, and dedicated teachers? The learning environment in the Singapore education system is on point!

Innovative Teaching FTW
Problem-based learning and critical thinking skills are a big focus in the Singapore education system, prepping kids for the real world.

Tech-Savvy Scholars
An online learning space with digital resources for all grades and subjects? The Singapore education system is churning out tech-savvy scholars!

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Inclusion for the Win
Around 80% of kids with special needs attend mainstream schools in the Singapore education system, with specialized support systems in place.

A Global Powerhouse
The Singapore education system’s holistic approach, emphasis on quality teaching, state-of-the-art facilities, and forward-thinking policies have cemented its status as a global leader.


Parents, Take Notes from Singapore!

Let’s be real, Singapore’s education system is an absolute powerhouse! While no system is perfect, they’re knocking it out of the park by making education a top priority, investing in amazing teachers and facilities, and prepping kids for the real world.

As parents, we could learn a thing or two from Singapore’s approach. Instead of just complaining about the issues in our schools, we need to get involved and advocate for change. Attend those PTA meetings, voice your concerns, and support initiatives that prioritize educational excellence.

The success of Singapore’s students proves that when a society truly values education, incredible things can happen. By staying informed, engaging with our kids’ schools, and demanding better, we can work towards creating a world-class education system right here at home.

Take some notes from Singapore and get proactive about our children’s futures. After all, investing in their education today is an investment in a better tomorrow for us all!


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Written by

Miko Pagaduan