Sophia’s Journey and the Value of Indoor Play

Did you know indoor play can supercharge your child's development? Sophia Ng shares her journey of creating a playful path to growth and learning!

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Sophia Ng, the driving force behind Kidztropic, has created a groundbreaking environment where educational play is at the heart of early childhood development. Kidztropic, an innovative indoor play space, offers a range of activities designed to nurture children’s growth through both structured and unstructured play.

 In this feature, we explore how Sophia’s vision has shaped Kidztropic into a dynamic hub for learning and development, seamlessly integrating various aspects of educational play.

The Philosophy of Educational Play

At Kidztropic, the philosophy of “Educational Play” forms the cornerstone of the experience. Sophia’s approach emphasises that play is not just a recreational activity but a crucial component of learning. By blending structured and unstructured activities, Kidztropic provides a comprehensive environment where children from 0 to 6 years old can develop curiosity, problem-solving skills, and creativity.


Structured activities, such as the “Kindsville” workshop, focus on teaching values like kindness through imaginative play in a magical forest setting. Similarly, the “Little Ones, Big Feelings” program uses storytelling and clay craft activities to help children understand and express their emotions. These activities are carefully curated to enhance children’s social and emotional skills in a playful yet educational manner.

In contrast, Kidztropic’s unstructured play areas, inspired by the Montessori method, encourage children to engage in creative, child-led play. Spaces like Kidztropic Cove offer large, open areas for imaginative play without fixed playground structures, allowing children to explore and learn at their own pace. This approach fosters creativity and self-directed learning, providing a balanced complement to structured activities.

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Developing Essential Skills Through Play

Sophia highlights that play-based learning at Kidztropic supports the development of a wide range of skills. Through play, children enhance their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are cultivated as children engage in activities that stimulate their imagination and encourage them to tackle challenges both independently and collaboratively.

For instance, children learn to approach problems with innovative solutions and collaborate with peers to overcome obstacles. These experiences lay a solid foundation for future academic and personal success, as children gain confidence in their abilities and learn to navigate complex situations.

Fostering Social Skills Through Group Play

Indoor group play at Kidztropic plays a crucial role in developing social skills. Sophia observes that group interactions encourage children to communicate, cooperate, and work together. Structured and unstructured play activities provide opportunities for children to practice sharing, taking turns, and resolving conflicts in a supportive environment.

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A notable example from Kidztropic Poiz demonstrates this dynamic. Younger children may initially find the see-through rope bridge intimidating, but seeing their peers navigate it successfully encourages them to try it themselves. This peer influence not only boosts confidence but also introduces children to new experiences and social interactions.

Peer Learning and Its Benefits

The indoor play environment at Kidztropic fosters valuable peer learning. Children often observe and mimic each other’s actions, accelerating their learning process. Sophia points out that this natural and engaging way of learning helps children acquire new skills and positive behaviours from their peers.

At Kidztropic Cove, pretend play scenarios like running a coffee shop allow children to explore different social roles and practice language skills. Watching others engage in these activities introduces new ideas and scenarios, enhancing the overall play experience and expanding children’s skill sets.

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Encouraging Parental Involvement

Sophia believes that indoor play provides a unique opportunity for parents to become actively involved in their child’s learning journey. Kidztropic’s family-friendly facilities encourage parents to interact with their children, observe their interests, and support their developmental milestones through play.

An example of this involvement is the “Little Ones, Big Feelings” workshop, where parents and children work together on a clay craft project. This activity not only helps children understand and regulate their emotions but also strengthens the parent-child bond, emphasising the importance of embracing and managing big feelings in everyday life.

Feedback from Parents and Its Impact

The positive feedback from parents underscores the benefits of Kidztropic’s educational play approach. Many parents report noticeable improvements in their children’s social interactions, creativity, and confidence. They observe that their children are more willing to share, solve problems, and engage in imaginative play at home.

Sophia shares heartening examples, such as children applying the lessons from the Kindsville workshop by using polite phrases like “excuse me” and “please” in their interactions. This positive reinforcement from parents motivates Sophia and her team to continue enhancing educational play at Kidztropic.

Building Resilience Through Play-Based Learning

Play-based learning at Kidztropic also contributes to building resilience in children. Sophia emphasises that play exposes children to various scenarios requiring adaptation and problem-solving. For example, navigating the bouldering wall at Kidztropic Poiz helps children develop persistence and flexibility in a fun and engaging way.

These experiences teach children to cope with setbacks and find alternative solutions, fostering resilience that will benefit them academically and personally.

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Long-Term Benefits of Educational Play

The long-term benefits of educational play at Kidztropic are significant. Sophia notes that the skills developed through play—cognitive growth, emotional regulation, and social competence—are essential for success in school and beyond. Children who engage in regular play-based learning tend to exhibit better academic performance, higher self-esteem, and improved interpersonal relationships.

Kidztropic provides a holistic environment that supports physical, social, and emotional development. Unlike traditional preschools or enrichment centres, Kidztropic focuses on creating a safe and nurturing space where families can grow together.


Sophia’s experiences have reinforced indoor play’s importance in early education. Her journey during the COVID-19 pandemic, where informal homeschooling and play-based learning became essential, highlighted the impact of play on resilience and curiosity. This realisation inspired her to establish Kidztropic, offering a space where children can thrive through educational play.

Sophia Ng’s innovative approach at Kidztropic exemplifies the transformative power of play-based learning. Indoor play nurtures essential skills, fosters social development, and strengthens the parent-child bond by integrating structured and unstructured activities. Sophia’s vision continues to inspire and shape the future of early education, proving that play is not merely an activity but a vital component of a child’s growth and development.

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Written by

Pheona Ilagan