Indian Parents are Badly Behaved When Their Kids Play Sports!

According to a new Reuters/Ipsos survey of over 23,000 adults in 22 countries, American and Indian parents behave the most unsavory when their kids play sport. Unsavory behaviour hear means that they are the most physically or verbally abusive towards a coach or official at a children's sporting event.

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Screaming, over-enthusiastic parents are not only found in Hollywood and Bollywood films and on television it seems.

According to a new Reuters/Ipsos survey of over 23,000 adults in 22 countries, American and Indian parents behave the most unsavory when their kids play sport. Unsavory behaviour hear means that they are the most physically or verbally abusive towards a coach or official at a children’s sporting event.

But people in Mexico, Japan and France were amongst the least likely to see parents behaving badly while their children played sports.

According to the survey, men (41 per cent) were more likely than women (33 per cent) to have witnessed abusive behaviour. People in a higher income bracket and those who were more educated were also more likely to have seen parents acting physically and verbally abusive.

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What do you think? Do you concur? Is there a fine line between participatory enthusiasm and abuse?

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Editor’s Note: We have edited the title from Indian Parents are Badly Behaved to Indian Parents are Badly Behaved When Their Kids Play Sports, so that it better represents the survey findings. We do not mean to offend any of our Indian readers, and we apologise if we have done so! We would  also like to point out that we did not create the survey nor the survey results, but are merely reporting on it.  This same story has appeared on Yahoo news and other major news reporting sites!

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