Herb Found In Spicy Indian Dishes Found To Increase Women's Sex Drive

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It all lies in this special yet common ingredient.

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A food supplement, ‘Libicare’ has been found to boost women’s sex drive, amongst other benefits, according to research published in the medical journal BMC Women’s Health.

29 post-menopausal women took Libicare for two months, as part of a study done by researchers from the Palacios’ Institute of Women’s Health in Spain, reported the Daily Mail. 

The trial results revealed that these women, between the ages of 45 and 65, found definite improvements in various areas: sexual desire, arousal levels, vaginal lubrication to even orgasms and satisfaction in the bedroom. 

On a scale from 0-36, these women’s sexual desire and function were put to test based on a questionnaire—the Female Sexual Function Index (FSF).

Women at the start of the trial averaged at 20 but after two months of taking the Libicare supplements, their scores had increased ‘significantly’ to an average of 25.

Women who scored below 26 were reported to be at risk of sexual dysfunction. 

It All Lies In This Special Herb

The special ingredient? It lies in the herb, Fenugreek, that is often used in spicy curries and other spiced Indian food dishes. Fenugreek is also known to boost supply of breast milk

Libicare is currently on sale on Google (around £20). Ingredients include plant extracts, selenium, B vitamins, ginkgo biloba and fenugreek. 

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According to the scientists who conducted the research, Fenugreek is found to have “boosted blood flow to the genitals and raised testosterone levels”—important elements to increasing sex drive. 

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With improvements to a woman’s sex life, the researchers, led by Dr Santiago Palacios, explained that it creates “a domino effect”. When a sexual domain improves, other aspects do so as well.

‘The administration of this product is associated with a significant increase not only in desire and arousal, but also in vaginal lubrication and orgasm,” as written in the paper. 

To see if its effects are long-term, Libicare is now being trialled on a larger group of women, reported The Sun.

Source: Daily Mail, BMC Women’s Health

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Written by

Jia Ling