I Can Count - The Luli Series: Counting Has Never Been So Fun!

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Want to expose your toddler to numbers? This DVD is for you. Numbers 1 to 10 are taught in an extremely creative and enjoyable manner with songs and poems.

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I can count
I Can Count – The Luli Series

Title: I Can Count – The Luli Series

Ideal for: Toddlers

Running time: 48 minutes

Price: $14.90

Availability: Popular Bookstore (Island wide), Selected Kiddy Palace stores and Laser Flair outlets.

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What’s it about: Want to expose your toddler to numbers? This DVD is for you. Numbers 1 to 10 are taught in an extremely creative and enjoyable manner with songs and poems. The various things used to count for each number will be a delight to either gender as stereotypical boring objects are shelved for moles, frogs and even beaded chains! Repetitive methods are used but in a fun way.

What we liked: The delightful tunes. We know how to count but that didn’t stop us from singing along.

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What we didn’t like: We watched this three times to spot anything we didn’t like but we found it entertaining each time and even started singing to the songs!

Verdict: 4 out of 5 stars.

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Written by

Miss Vanda