Study: Here’s What Women Really Think About Penis Size!

Women like to have an opinion on most matters, and the size of their lovers' penis is no different. But does it really influence sexual satisfaction?

Whilst most women would be reluctant to discuss the subject with their partner, they would still have an opinion about his penis, and whether it’s adequate for giving her the sexual excitement and satisfaction she needs.

In fact, women’s opinions are one of the major reasons why men think they need a penis enlargement program.

One survey of 800 men came to the conclusion that the average penis length is 5.50 inches, whilst the well-known Kinsey Report stated that the average penis length of its respondents was 6.2 inches.

However, it’s accepted that the median range ( the range covering the largest number of men ) is between 5.1 and 6 inches.

So let’s have a look at the two different common perspectives:

1. It’s what you do with it

Some women believe in the dictum ‘it’s what he does with it’, rather than ‘size matters’.

A woman with this outlook believes that penis length isn’t an issue – it’s how her partner uses it, and his body, to give her the physical pleasure she wants. It’s all about pressure, speed and his movements.

So does size actually matter?  Not quite. In fact, guys with a large penis tend to rest on that and not actually put much effort in to pleasing their partner because most of the time he’s like, ‘I have a big dick, what else do you want?'”

She believes that the quality of sex is much more important, so if her partner can provide her with the ultimate in pleasure, a mind-shattering orgasm, she’s happy and contented.

2. Bigger equals better

The second category of women are those who think that only a bigger than average penis can give her the most pleasure. They believe that the only orgasm worth having is a vaginal orgasm. For these women, size does matter.

In a recent survey of women about penis size, over 80% said they wanted a penis that was big enough to satisfy them, suggesting that size to be in the range of 5.75 to 6.25 inches.

However, when questioned about length or girth, by far the largest number of respondents said that girth was more significant than length – a thick penis was more likely to excite them than a long one.

Personal penile hygiene

It seems the most important factor to women is penile hygiene – cleanliness, followed by size, then the smoothness of the penile skin, and then an absence of prominent veins.

The question of circumcised partners drew a neutral response – as long as the issue of hygiene was observed.

So there it is.

When women talk about preferring a larger penis, what they really mean is a thicker, stronger penis. And for those men whose partner is happy with their length, it seems an extra inch or two around the girth would be icing on the cake.

Most men, however, would always prefer an extra inch or two in length, if they seriously believed it would make them more sexually appealing to women.

Male vanity perhaps, but if it gave them more confidence in their love-making, helping to create a more relaxed atmosphere, and leading to a situation where intimacy becomes more passionate and enjoyable for both parties, then they should consider taking measures to increase the size of their penis.

In other words, signing up for a penis enlargement program.

And of the methods of penis enlargement on the market, by far the most popular, and the one method that gets the most positive comments, are penis enlarger devices.

These plastic devices have been around since the mid-90s and some minor studies have been conducted on them. The initial verdict on them is that they seem to increase length by up to an inch provided the user follows the instructions. However, more rigorous research is needed to establish safety and effectiveness.

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