Behind the Viral Durian Joys: How Nina Monzolevska Balances Motherhood and Content Creation

Nina Monzolevska's journey as a mother and content creator is more than just passion. It's an inspiring message to parents everywhere about finding joy in the everyday moments with your little one and sharing them with the world.

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From the glitz and glamour of the modeling world to the joys of motherhood and content creation, Nina Monzolevska has truly found her niche. With a unique blend of parenting passion and creativity, she has captured the hearts of her followers. Known for the adorable videos of her one-year-old daughter passionately enjoying durian, Nina has mastered the balance between being a dedicated mom and a successful content creator.

Nina uncovers how she nurtures a deep connection with her daughter while crafting viral moments that inspire many.

The Durian Moments

♬ original sound – Nina Monzolevska – Nina Monzolevska

We can all agree that almost every child is a natural picky eater, so two thumbs up to Nina for easily introducing durian to her one-year-old daughter, Skyla. Even when Skyla was still in the womb, Nina had a feeling her baby would love durian too. After all, she herself ate two to three durians in just one sitting during her pregnancy.

As soon as Skyla turned six months old, they introduced her to durian, and it was love at first bite. “She kept asking for more, even at such a young age,” Nina recalls. “I’m so happy she’s one of those people who enjoys it because now we get to share that joy together.”

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Eating durian has become a special experience for them, something they both genuinely enjoy.

Motherhood and Content Creation

Nina Monzolevska’s Balance of Motherhood and Content Creation

Balancing motherhood with content creation is not as easy as 1-2-3, but Nina Monzolevska has found a way to seamlessly blend the two. What started as simple cooking videos for her parents in Ukraine quickly evolved into something much more. “Originally, the cooking videos with Skyla were just meant for my parents,” Nina shares. “Since I already edited these videos to make them shorter for my parents, I thought, why not share them online? My content is mostly about parenthood anyway, so it seemed like a natural fit.”

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Nina’s decision to involve her daughter in these videos wasn’t just for show. It was born out of a genuine desire to keep Skyla engaged and involved in her everyday activities. “I noticed she really enjoyed being part of what I was doing,” Nina explains. “So, I started by having her help with simple tasks like putting laundry in the basket. Then she started helping with wiping surfaces, sweeping the floor, and eventually cooking.” This hands-on approach has not only strengthened their bond but also resonated with many parents who were inspired to involve their children in daily activities.

Despite the challenges of unpredictable toddler moods, Nina embraces the unpredictability and sees these moments as opportunities to be more patient and flexible. For her, it’s all about making Skyla feel valued while creating memorable moments that others can relate to and learn from.

Nina’s Perspective on Sharing Her Child Online and Her Audience’s Reaction

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When Nina posted the first video of Skyla eating durian, she never imagined it would go viral. She was so surprised and mentioned that she never expected that kind of response from her followers. “I even told my husband that I didn’t think people would enjoy watching it. I posted it just for fun,” Nina said, but her husband was right! There was something uniquely captivating about a one-year-old enjoying durian with such enthusiasm. The video resonated with moms, food enthusiasts, and many others, creating a ripple effect that reached audiences worldwide.

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However, with Skyla’s growing online presence, Nina is mindful of the balance between sharing special moments and protecting her daughter’s privacy. “I’m careful about what I post, ensuring that I only share content that feels appropriate and respectful of Skyla’s privacy,” Nina explains. She avoids sharing sensitive details and regularly reviews privacy settings to maintain control over who can see the content.

The feedback from parents on TikTok and Instagram has been overwhelmingly positive. “A lot of parents shared their own experiences with their kids, and some even talked about the challenges they faced,” Nina recalls. The comments often turned into a supportive community where advice and tips were freely exchanged.

But of course, not all reactions were positive. Some viewers were critical of how much durian Skyla ate at such a young age. Nina understands that mixed reactions are inevitable when a video reaches a wide audience. Despite the occasional negativity, she’s glad the video connected with so many parents and sparked conversations that brought them together.


Future Plans and Content

Nina is excited about the future culinary adventures she plans to share with Skyla. “We both enjoy trying new recipes and exploring different foods together,” she says, reflecting on the bond they’ve built through these shared experiences. As their culinary journey continues, followers can look forward to more fun cooking videos featuring the duo experimenting with new recipes.

And, of course, there’s a good chance that durian will make a return appearance, as their audience has come to love watching Skyla’s enthusiastic enjoyment of the fruit. Nina’s content promises to remain a delightful mix of creativity, flavor, and special moments that only a mother and daughter can share.


Nina Monzolevska’s journey is a testament to the art of balancing motherhood with creativity, showing that it’s possible to pursue your passions while nurturing the next generation. Through her heartfelt content, she doesn’t only capture the beauty of motherhood but inspires other moms to embrace the messy, joyful, and unpredictable moments that come with raising children.

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