From Diapers to Diplomas: How DJ Vernon A Balances the Diverse Needs of His Three Sons?

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DJ Vernon A shared that it is quite easy for him to parent his three children, most especially as his eldest son, Ethan, is almost an adult. (Photos from vernona on Instagram)

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In parenting a young adult and two toddlers, what kind of adjustments do you have to make? 

In an interview with theAsianparent, we asked Mediacorp Class 95 FM DJ Vernon A how he balances the needs of his three children aged 20, 5, and 3 with differing needs. 

DJ Vernon A shared that it is quite easy for him to parent his three children, most especially as his eldest son, Ethan, is almost an adult, and now serving his National Service:

“He [Ethan] is very independent and sometimes also helps to look after the two little ones.”

His children being all boys really helped in getting them closer together despite the age gap. Some activities like roughhousing and playing football and basketball are some of the things they enjoy doing together.

This Mediacorp personality also shared that if there is one challenge he experienced in parenting, it could be time management. He added: 

“Every parenting situation has challenges, but time is my biggest enemy. I read a quote once that said: ‘In 20 years, your boss or company will not remember that you always worked overtime, but your children will.'”

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Ideals are not his thing

Photo from vernona on Instagram

Many of us have this concept of what things should be in whatever aspect of our lives. However, for DJ Vernon, these ideals are just there to set you up for failure. He quoted: 

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“I’m really against ideals because it sounds like you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.” 

This is when asked what he thinks is the ideal age gap among siblings. He added: 

“I don’t think there’s an ideal age gap. My two younger ones are about two years apart but they pretty much behave like siblings who have varied age gaps.” 

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The concept of having no ideals also applies to his parenting style. He believes that having ideals and forcing them on your kids is not helping them but rather destroying their own unique character. 

“It’s bad to have ideals and to force them on your kids. We’re here to help shape their character and to be their support in whatever they want to do,” the Class 95FM host added. 


The Muttons on New York City’s Times Square Billboard

Last month, DJ Vernon and DJ Justin Ang, the duo behind Mediacorp’s Muttons In The Morning travelled to The Big Apple for some adventures! But not just that as the two hosts were also seen on a big billboard in Time Square. 

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How did his children feel about that? The radio host answered:

“The eldest Ethan thought it was cool but the younger ones have no clue.” 

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DJ Vernon A can be heard on Mediacorp’s Class 95 FM together with DJ Justin Ang for Muttons in the Morning every weekday from 6 AM to 10 AM.

Written by

Roselle Espina