Home Insurance Plans

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We have a five-room HDB in Marine Parade and we basically have fire home insurance. I would like to take up a policy that protects against thefts and damage to my property.

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Home Insurance PlansDoes AXA have an insurance that protects against thefts at home? We have a five-room HDB in Marine Parade and we basically have fire home insurance (which HDB makes you buy when you purchase your flat) and home protection scheme from CPF). I would like to take up a policy that protects against thefts and damage to my property.

You’re right in pointing out that some home insurance plans cover only against fire or provide limited compensation for certain perils. However, there are comprehensive home insurance plans that offer cover for any accidental loss of or damage to your fixtures, fittings and renovation. You are even covered for any theft within your premises under these home insurance plans.

As I understand from AXA Insurance Singapore, there are 2 types of home insurance plans being offered: comprehensive and fundamental. A wide range of items are covered within both plans and there are a few choices among each plan in terms of sum insured. To find out more about the 2 products, you could visit: AXA Website: Smart Home Essentials and AXA Website: Smart Home Optimum

Before you purchase any insurance product, it is important for you to ensure that you are getting what you truly need. Do meet with your financial planner to do a proper fact find on your needs, budget and preferences, in order to select a plan which is most appropriate for your needs.

If you would like to make an appointment with me, feel free to contact me at 96386328.

Answered by
Ms Phylise Er
AXA Insurance

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This response is factual information provided by Phylise Er Jia Li, CFPcm who represents AXA Life Insurance Singapore Pte Ltd. It is not made with regard to the financial situation and particular needs of any person and is not to be construed as offers to sell or the solicitation of offers to buy any product.

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Written by

Phylise Er