Kids are just fit and energetic as professional athletes, says study

Your child's boundless energy has a lot to do with how they recover from fatigue. Read on to learn more.

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If you've ever wondered why your high energy child never seems to get tired, then you might find this new study interesting. 

According to researchers from the Université Clermont Auvergne in France and Edith Cowan University, Australia, a child has boundless energy because they easily recover from fatigue.

Your High Energy Child Recovers from Fatigue Quickly, like an Athlete

Like a full-grown adult athlete, a high energy child can endure stress and fatigue.

According to researchers, their findings will be helpful for parents who want to hone their child's athletic potential. 

How did they come up with their findings?

Researchers compared the energy exerted by children as well as how they recovered from exercise. Their subjects were 8 to 12-year-old boys, non-athletic adults, and elite endurance athletes. 

The high energy child can keep up endurance-wise with even trained athletes. | Image source: Shutterstock

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So what does this mean for parents?

Here Are Some Key Takeaways for Mums and Dads to Remember:

1. The High Energy Child Gets Tired, Too...

Study co-author Sébastien Ratel explains to Science Daily, that “children might tire earlier than adults” because of their still-developing cardiovascular capability and motor skills.

However, he also clarified that kids overcome these restrictions. How? They do so "through the development of fatigue-resistant muscles."

Kids also have "the ability to recover very quickly from high-intensity exercise.” 

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2.   ....But the High Energy Child Recovers Quickly 

When faced with high-intensity physical activity, "children used more of their aerobic metabolism and were therefore less tired.” This means they use their energy more efficiently. Aerobic metabolism happens when fat and protein are broken down during exercise.

"[Kids] also recovered very quickly," Ratel further explains, "even faster than the well-trained adult endurance athletes — as demonstrated by their faster heart-rate recovery.”

3. This Study Can Provide Insight into the Future Health of the High Energy Child

This study doesn’t just provide insight into a child’s potential in the realm of sports. The findings also show how to prevent physical inactivity-related conditions like diabetes. 

So it would be helpful to observe how bodily changes can contribute to future risk. 

"Our research indicates that aerobic fitness, at least at the muscle level, decreases significantly as children move into adulthood," he continues. He also explained how the muscular changes observed in the study relate to disease risk. 

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Tips for Parents Raising a High Energy Child

Do you have a high energy child? It can get frustrating trying to get them to behave or follow instructions. Instead of losing your cool, here are some tips to help them harness their unlimited energy into worthwhile endeavours. 

1. Give them enriching outlets

The high energy child needs to find healthy outlets. Active play in large open spaces and playgrounds, like trampoline parks, is one good way to release excess energy. This also helps them hone their motor skills.

2. Set Loving Limits

The energetic child can sometimes find it difficult to focus on instructions. Make sure to be patient with them, communicating with them eye to eye. When setting rules, take into account their needs for exertion. Don't lose your cool, but emphasise rules with love. You can also ask them to repeat instructions to you to make sure you're on the same page. 

3. Nurture Their E.Q.

The high energy child might be so focused on physical exertion that they don't get to sharpen their social skills. Help enrich your energetic kid socio-emotional skills by teaching them how to verbalise their needs and emotions. Provide opportunities for them to communicate with peers outside the classroom, like after-school sports.

4. Encourage Them More than Scolding Them

Instead of telling them to sit still or behave, encourage them to be energetic when appropriate. Focus on what's good about their high energy. Give them age-appropriate tasks and chores. Praise them and show that you appreciate them just as much as you guide them towards better behaviour.

5. Make an Effort to Connect Daily

Guide them in slowing down once in a while. Read to them or engage in crafts and activities that will encourage them to focus for a short period of time.

Do this in between active play to balance things out. Not only will this help them have varied learning experiences, it can help teach them to self-calm and improve their attention span.

It's also important not to forget self-care, mums and dads! In trying to keep up with your high energy child, don't forget your own needs, too.


Sources: Science Daily, Very Well

ALSO READ: How to manage your stress, especially if you have hyperactive kids

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza