Here’s Why Your Kids Will Love The Brand New Animated Series, Transformers: BotBots

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Transformers has been a significant part of every 90’s kid teenage years. And why wouldn’t it be? With its significant brand heritage for over 35 years, well-loved characters like Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Megatron, Megan Fox, and cool robots that become even cooler cars, what’s there not to like about it? But love it as we do, as parents, we might not want to introduce our young kids to Transformers, not just yet (for obvious reasons). But here’s a new family-friendly Netflix animated series, Transformers: BotBots, which your kids are sure to love!

What is BotBots? 

BotBots is a Transformers franchise that began in 2018. It involves small, cute, cartoony and super-deformed robot characters that transform into mundane items. We don’t know how exciting this sounds to you but as far as the kids are concerned, it’s pretty exciting! What started as a toy line, rapidly gained popularity and the running success enabled the franchise to grow enough to gain books, a mini-comic, sticker books, a pack of convention exclusives, and a whole lot of other merchandise. But here’s the best part, it’s about to come to life on screen in the form of an all-new animated series called Transformers: BotBots, now available on Netflix.

The 20-episode animated series is the first Transformers comedy series and it targets kids as young as pre-schoolers. It’s silly, it’s wacky, it’s all about visual gags and it’s going to delight and resonate with your little ones. In fact, it’s going to make them laugh till their sides hurt! 

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What is Transformers: BotBots all about? 

Recently, at a nearby mall, a burst of Energon randomly struck…and the effects were shocking! This rare Cybertronian energy granted robotic life to a series of weird and random everyday objects on the store’s shelves. These ‘bots’ quickly formed into squads, based on what store they came from. 

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Here’s the exciting thing. The BotBots are actually robots in disguise! They pretend to be normal everyday products by day and when night falls, and the shoppers have all gone…they secretly transform into tiny robots! They check out the huge mall with the same excitement and curiosity of kids checking out a new playground! 

Mums and Dads, your kids are going to start viewing all the mundane objects around the house with a sceptical eye now! Let their imagination run wild and create their very own BotBots storyline wherever they are. 

Here’s the icing on the cake. Your kids are going to stand to win prizes for watching Transformers: BotBots. Answer the following two questions and send us a picture of an innocuous item in your home that could well be a BotBot. Win 1 x USS family pass (2 Adult + 2 kids) – worth $284 and 5 x $200 Capitaland Vouchers! Visit this Link.

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Also, be sure to catch Transformers: BotBots, now available on Netflix!

Written by

Nasreen Majid