Want Your Kids to Succeed as Adults? Adopt These 7 Parenting Traits

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Children are likely to mimic their parents in behaviour. So if you want your child to succeed in work in the future, adopt these parenting traits and apply them at home.

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All parents want to help kids become successful in life – and much of this is influenced by parenting traits you adopt.  

These are some parenting skills and attitudes William Arruda – a personal branding consultant – shares on Forbes. So, what are these parenting traits and how can you help your kids absorb and apply them?

Parenting traits that will help kids become successful later in life 

1. Curiosity

Want Your Kids to Succeed as Adults? Adopt These 7 Parenting Traits

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Arruda shares that he was at an event with Mickey Pant, the CEO of Yum, China. The leader of the mega-conglomerate shared that when he looked for candidates to join his company, the one trait he looked out for was curiosity. 

He said that people who are curious are best at problem-solving and innovating, and that’s what businesses need. Encourage your children to ask plenty of questions and in turn, also ask them a lot of questions that make them think. This is a good habit to cultivate from a young age. 

2. Inclusion

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This is an interesting one, because diversity in the workplace is almost inevitable and learning the value of it from a young age is not something many parents prioritise. “Employers need more inclusion-minded leaders today,” says Jennifer Brown, author of Inclusion: Diversity, the new workplace and the will to change.

“If parents can make positive discussions about diversity – of background, of identity – a core part of regular family dialogue, this will encourage kids to carry that valuing behaviour with them, into their working lives. This will ultimately make them more effective, more hire-able candidates for the world’s best companies,” explains Brown. 

Parents still play a critical role in reinforcing the benefits of thinking and behaving inclusively, with everyday choices – from the diversity of groups of friends to the media being consumed by families.

3. Humility

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This might seem like a no-brainer, but sometimes we get carried away and forget that our kids mimic our actions. You can help kids become successful in life by encouraging this trait in them. 

In an article in the New York Times, Rebecca Sabky, a former admissions director at Dartmouth University, shares her story of a memorable application.

“The student submitted a letter of recommendation from a custodian at his high school. The custodian wrote that he supported support this student’s candidacy because of his thoughtfulness. This student was the only person in the school who knew the names of every member of the janitorial staff,” she shares.

By teaching your kids humility – which might be as simple as saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ or just an overall conscientiousness towards everyone despite their rank – they could really go a long way. 

4. Generosity

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Generosity is not easily taught. But once cultivated, it can be one of the most powerful qualities of a successful leader. By showing your children generosity, towards them and towards other people in your life, they too can pick up this trait. 

Now, that doesn’t mean to go around spending all your money on others. Generosity can come in many other forms. Erika Andersen shares in an article in Fast Company that sharing time, information and authority can make you a better leader.

5. Global acumen

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In a world with practically no borders when it comes to information and technology, businesses find it easier and easier to go global. When companies hire candidates, they also look at global acumen. Your local knowledge may be valuable, but your global acumen will put you leaps and bounds ahead. 

Get your children interested in the world beyond their city or country by putting on international news. Talk about global issues at home and take them abroad for family vacations. This knowledge will propel them ahead of their peers. 

6. Appreciation

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Appreciation and humility:  these two parenting traits go hand-in-hand. It is true when they say that a little gratitude goes a long way. Certain companies, like Tickled Media for example, practice daily gratitude dedications among its staff members. Staff are encouraged to post on a public Gratitude wall when they feel a co-worker has done something for them. 

The more appreciation is showed in the workplace, the more enjoyable the environment becomes. Show little signs of appreciation at home, by thanking the kids for doing their chores or listening to you when you speak. These subtleties will be picked up and also echoed in the future beyond the confines of home. 

7. Resilience

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Nothing is ever peachy day in day out. Especially not the workplace. How you can teach your child this at home is by putting them through new situations and see how they hold up.

Another method is by involving them in extracurricular activities such as sports. In sports, especially, competition arises and a child is put under stress to perform well. 

In the event that your child loses in their sport, it is a good learning opportunity for them to hone resiliency. 

There you have it mums and dads – your parenting style has more influence than you probably imagined to help kids become successful some day! Share your thoughts with us on this article in a comment. 

Written by

Sarah Voon