What is the situation of the haze in Singapore?
The three-hour Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) as of 5pm today is 110 as stated on the National Environment Agency site. Any reading above 100 is considered unhealthy. The National Environment Agency has revealed that the hazy condition is expected to be ongoing for the next few days.
A special note to those with lung disease of heart conditions, senior citizens and children—these groups should keep outdoor exertion or prolonged outdoor exposure to a minimum.
At 10pm, 17 June 2013, the PSI levels hit 155. This has been the highest levels since the 1997 haze situation where PSI levels levels soared at 226. Here’s another reading from a site that gives you an hourly update– Singapore Central Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index.

Are you experiencing any symptoms from the haze in Singapore?
Haze in Singapore: PSI readings
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100-200 (Unhealthy): In this range, some people may experience a mild aggravation and will display symptoms such as eye irritation, coughing and sneezing.
200-300 (Very unhealthy): People may experience moderate aggravation and a more widespread of symptoms.
301-400 (Hazardous): Significant aggravation of symptoms for sensitive persons. Some people may experience the early onset of certain diseases.
Above 400 (Hazardous): Any reading above 400 could actually be life-threatening to elderly folks or sick people while healthy people might experience adverse effects that would affect daily activity.
RELATED: Pregnancy and air pollution
Useful tips for the haze in Singapore
Now that we’re experiencing this haze in Singapore with unhealthy levels, let’s take a look at some useful tips.
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1. If you or your children are experiencing eye irritation, use saline eye drops to flush out the irritants.
2. Try to stay indoors as much as possible during the haze in Singapore.
3. Wash your face and take a shower when you get a chance after spending time outdoors. Hygiene is important.
4. If your eyes are aggravated and you are wearing contact lenses, stop wearing them until your eyes have healed and the air situation has improved.
5. If the PSI levels rise above 150, please wear a mask. You may purchase masks that are N95 certified—as only these masks can keep out the fine particles in the air from being inhaled. Be informed that standard surgical masks cannot do the trick.
6. Please visit the doctor if you have respiratory problems and find it hard to breathe.
7. Drink lots of fluids.
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