Great book gift ideas for X’mas!

This is exclusively for theAsianparent members . Choose any book from an exciting range of best-selling parenting and inspirational titles from MindChamps e-store and receive 10% in savings.

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Beyond Bone Breaking – the highly inspirational autobiography of Jeremy Lim, Singapore National Youth Achievement Gold Award Recipient 2009. Jeremy was born with brittle bone disease. Instead of succumbing to his condition, he has overcome insurmountable odds to emerge as a young man with a great heart and a ‘Champion Mindset’. His penetrating insight into what it means to be human is a must read for all.

Deeper Than The Ocean – bestselling parenting book hailed as the “parenting bible of the 21st century”. It helps parents and teachers to understand how a child’s brain learns, how the mindset is formed, and how to help your child achieve their full potential.

The Art Of Communicating With Your Childthe eagerly anticipated follow-up to Deeper Than The Ocean. The Art of Communicating with Your Child builds on the key concepts introduced in Deeper than the Ocean. It is a guide to developing the practical skills and techniques for ensuring optimal communication with young people. Key areas examined in the book include:

• Developing Self-Concept and Self-Respect •  Moral and Ethical Maturity • The ‘Champion Mindset’.

According to educational experts David Chiem and Brian Caswell, superior communication between parent and child is one of the key factors for developing a successful citizen of the future – a future-focused individual with the mindset of a champion.

The 3-Mind Revolutiona new world view for all parents, educators and leaders.

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The 3-Mind Revolution calls for a change in the mindset and the way both adults and children learn, and only by adapting the way we think will we be adequately prepared for the challenges for the future.


Pre-school Parenting Secrets – Talking With The Skyevery parent’s guide to preparing pre-schoolers for life in the 21st century. Secrets Talking with the Sky is not just inspirational; it is a book that can be revisited again and again, until the processes and activities become second-nature. It is a blue-print for parenting pre-schoolers, not just a book about them

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To start shopping, visit www.mymind​​/eshop and key in AP081211 to enjoy this exclusive deal. Valid till 31 Dec 2011.




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Written by

Felicia Chin