The importance of academia has ruled over parents for years. Many a child has sacrificed countless weekends to tuition, enrichment classes and such. The importance of play and the creativeness that it invokes, are often lost on parents. Most childcare centres in Singapore adopt a classroom-based learning environment. Most centres that is, but not Glücklich Schoolhouse.
Experiencing the world around us
Glücklich Schoolhouse , located at 878A Sembawang Rd, opened its doors in January 2005. Having a park, a beach and a big place for the kids to cycle and play, all within walking distance, Glücklich Schoolhouse plans many outdoor events that all the kids take part in, regardless if they’re toddlers, or in the nursery levels or the kindergarten levels. “The activities we plan in these places allow the children to get in touch with nature. Learning is taking place but they are having fun at the same time” explains teacher, Ms. Noor.
The first five years of a child is the most important period. Understanding this well, the teachers plan interesting ‘live learning’ lessons known as Mastery, for the children such as ‘descaling’ a fish. “Everybody gets into the fun, all the kids, and we teach them how to descale the fish, wash and clean, etc. It’s messy but the children have fun” pitch in the teachers.
The first thing that catches the eye is the absence of a hierarchy at the centre. Be it among the children or the teachers, everyone mingles freely and age does not force the children to segregate themselves.
Enjoying the fruits of nature
Glücklich Schoolhouse sees a large number of international students enrolled. “Food is quite a challenge for the international students in the beginning. Initially the parents of these children will pack food from home but we introduce the kids to nasi lemak , etc and eventually the children come around to it and enjoy having it. It’s an education by itself -exposing the children to local dishes,” smiles Ms. Noor. At Glücklich Schoolhouse, the teachers are proud of the an accomplishment by the students. All the students are able to say the pledge in all four languages, and, yes, this includes the international students as well.
So, what exactly does Glücklich mean? It’s German for happiness and that’s what envelopes the children the second they walk through the gates of Glücklich Schoolhouse!
Glucklich Schoolhouse can be reached at 6755 5650, or visit their blog to find out more.