Trying to Conceive? Acupuncture Worked for This Mum!

Does acupuncture really help with fertility? When should you do acupuncture for fertility? How many sessions do you need to get pregnant?

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Have you heard of doing acupuncture to get pregnant? Here's what you need to know about fertility acupuncture, a traditional Chinese practice that helps some couples conceive successfully.

For most couples, having a baby is the next step to building their own family. And while the whole process is very easy for some, others can have a harder time conceiving and have issues when it comes to fertility.

Couples who are very eager to have a child even try different methods and beliefs to conceive. Even in the Philippines, we subscribe to superstition and cultural traditions to increase our chances of getting pregnant. Some customs have totally no scientific basis, while others have culture and science ingrained in their practice.

VIP Mum Soo Rong Judy shared her experience of getting pregnant with the help of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Acupuncture for fertility, is that even possible? Read her story below.

Mum Shares Her Success With Fertility Acupuncture

"I got married at 33 years old, and my husband is 13 years older than me. During those two years that we were dating, our lifestyle included staying up late and frequent alcohol consumption.

However, when we got married, I knew immediately that I wanted to have a baby. So we tried for a year, but nothing happened. I felt desperate, wondering why the people around me were getting pregnant easily while it was tough for us.

We went to a fertility doctor, had some tests done, and the results came back fine. I got very stressed due to the fact that I was already 35 years old at that time, and everyone knows that it gets harder for a woman to get pregnant when she turns 35. The stress and confusion I felt caused a strain in our marriage.

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One day, a friend of mine recommended TCM. Chinese culture believes that if a woman's womb is cold, it will be difficult to sustain a pregnancy or have a baby.

However, I was hesitant because acupuncture was a big part of the treatment process, and I was terrified of needles.  But because I really wanted to conceive, I mustered all the courage I had and gave it a try.

Being somebody who fears the needle to now becoming somebody who can take hundreds of needles all over my body, imagine the courage I had to muster just so I could conceive a baby.

After a year of treatment, I still wasn't able to conceive. Because of the restraints on diet and lifestyle, I felt so stressed out. So I decided to take a break from the fertility workups for a while.

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To our surprise, it was during this break that I got pregnant!

Image courtesy of the writer

To other women who are trying to get pregnant, I want to remind you to stop being so stressed. The less stress you have, the easier it is to get pregnant. Quit bad habits like drinking alcohol, smoking, and staying up late.

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Finally, another personal tip is to do regular TCM to strengthen your womb. It creates a warm and cosy nest for your baby. It takes a little while for it to work, so be patient."

TCM and Acupuncture for Fertility

As Mum Soo Rong Judy shared, traditional Chinese medicine helped her become pregnant and also have a successful pregnancy.

What is TCM?

Traditional Chinese medicine is an old form of medicine that is widely used in Asian countries. While its purpose serves more to find balance within the body, many experts and supporters believe that it also increases the chances of fertility or pregnancy.

According to Thomson Chinese Medicine, TCM aims to target the root of infertility by restoring balance to your reproductive organs.

In fertility, the three key organ systems involved are the kidney, liver and spleen. Through TCM, your organs will be restored to great health, hence, your natural production of hormones will improve resulting in increased chances of getting pregnant.

Fertility Acupuncture

One of the main components of TCM for pregnancy is acupuncture. TCM practitioners believe that the human body is composed of meridians also known as energy highways. Each one is connected to an organ and lined with acupuncture points with their own specific functions.

These points help tone your body systems, including the reproductive system. TCM believes that an imbalance of these energies can disrupt your body's capability to ovulate and produce the necessary hormones.

The gentle insertion of thin and disposable sterile needles can stimulate the 14 major pathways of your body and help restore balance and improve fertility.

In a nutshell, fertility acupuncture does the following:

  • Supports digestive functions to maximise nutrient absorption
  • Improves blood circulation to reproductive organs
  • Stabilises hormonal fluctuations
  • Relieves physical and mental stress
  • Regulates ovulation and fixes other menstrual issues
  • Regulating your menstrual cycle. 
  • Improving sperm count and motility (for men)

Some studies also show that acupuncture when pregnant also relieves anxiety, migraines and morning sickness.

How Many Sessions To Achieve Best Results

The number of acupuncture sessions needed to potentially improve fertility and increase the chances of getting pregnant can vary from person to person.

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Generally, it's recommended to undergo regular acupuncture treatments over several months for the best results. Many individuals opt for weekly sessions, especially in the months leading up to fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI).

However, the specific number of sessions can depend on various factors, including the underlying causes of fertility issues and individual responses to acupuncture.

It's essential to consult with a qualified acupuncturist or healthcare provider experienced in fertility acupuncture to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

“Patients seek acupuncture at all stages of attempting to conceive, including soon after discontinuing birth control; after months and months of trying with no success; and when seeking support after failed IVF attempts,” said licensed acupuncturist Megan Scott.

“Acupuncturists can be of support to patients wherever they are in their fertility journey.” 

So, you might be wondering, does acupuncture really work its magic when it comes to fertility? Well, here's the scoop: acupuncture won't perform miracles and instantly cure infertility, also known as sterility. However, it does have some nifty tricks up its sleeve.

You see, acupuncture can't break down those absolute barriers to conception, but what it can do is give your body a nudge in the right direction. By getting those needles in the right spots, acupuncture can actually improve the physiological processes in your body that play a crucial role in reproductive function.

So, while it's not a silver bullet, it's like a helpful teammate cheering your reproductive system on from the sidelines.

As a final reminder, before trying out TCM or acupuncture, it's still best to consult your OB-Gynaecologist first for any health and fertility problems before seeking other methods. 

Republished with permission from theAsianparent Philippines.

Additional information by Cheryl Wong

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