Libigel: The female viagra to get you REALLY in the mood!

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With all the advancements in the medical field, there is still no prescription equivalent to Viagra for women. 13 years after the famous (or infamous, depending on how you see it) blue diamond-shaped tablets flooded the market, women are still waiting for our libido fix. Good news? We might not have to wait that long.

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Viagra in gel form

LibiGel is new product in the market that is a libido-increasing gel. And, no, when we said “rub it on”, we don’t mean that you need to apply it onto your genitals. Just massage the gel on your upper arm for effect.

According to researchers at LibiGel, it is a testosterone-based product and has “proven to increase the number of sexually satisfying events” by over 200 per cent. FDA approval is expected to be applied for next year.

What exactly is this gel designed for? It is supposed to increase the sexual desire for post-menopausal women, or women of any age for that matter. If you suffer from Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, which is a condition that makes you feel like you just don’t want to have sex—then this gel is for you.

Reasons for not feeling it

Beside the usual “I’m just too tired…” excuse, there are many legit reasons for not wanting to entertain that constantly frisky partner of yours. Your libido could have taken a plunge into the abyss because of breastfeeding, stress, or even birth control pills, ironically.

Other reasons such as low hormone levels, chemical imbalances or problematic relationships could also contribute to not wanting engage in sexual acts.

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Don’t get too excited yet

No matter how tempting LibiGel sounds, don’t get your hopes up too high. LibiGel is not the first female Viagra attempt. Many major drug companies have had plans for testosterone-based female Viagra products. However, no plans got to see the light of day due to health concerns and dreaded side effects.

What are the side effects? If you have ever taken hormones you would know that some parts of your body start acting up—sprouting extra hair or unexpected and monumental emotional meltdowns. On a more serious note, there are health risks involved like breast cancer and cardiovascular concerns, which are also the focus of long term safety studies conducted on these products.

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Biosante, the company that has been developing LibiGel since 2000, may not have received FDA approval yet but recent results of long term health risk studies are looking good. Good enough that the company saw a jump in their stock. If it all works out, you ladies who need a little picker upper, will be rubbing those arms just to get randy. How about that for easy?


Would you try out products such as LibiGel? Why or why not? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Written by

Felicia Chin