Empowering Couples in Singapore: A Guide to Family Planning for a Brighter Future

Find out why family planning is crucial for your reproductive health and how it can help you achieve your desired family size and timing.

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Couples with kids and no kids, have you ever talked about family planning with your spouse?

There is no doubt that parenthood is one of the most rewarding experiences. It can truly change a couple’s life and fill it with joy and love. But to reach that stage, you must first go through the planning stage, which is no easy feat.

Because it isn’t just tiny clothes and heartwarming ultrasound images; it involves a lot of preparation. This is why couples need to understand the importance of family planning before they embark on this journey. 

What is Family Planning

Family planning is the practice of controlling the number and spacing of children through the use of contraception and other methods. It is an important tool for individuals and couples to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and to achieve their desired family size and timing.

Benefits of Family Planning

Family planning offers numerous benefits for both parents and children, providing them with greater control over their lives and well-being. Here are some key advantages:

Benefits for Parents:

  1. Financial Security: Family planning allows parents to better manage their finances, ensuring they can meet the needs of their children without financial strain.

  2. Career Advancement: By planning the timing of their children, parents can focus on their careers, education, and personal growth.

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  3. Improved Health: Proper family planning enables women to space pregnancies, reducing health risks associated with closely spaced births.

  4. Emotional Well-being: Planning a family allows parents to emotionally prepare for parenthood, fostering healthier parent-child relationships.

  5. Personal Fulfillment: Family planning empowers parents to achieve their desired family size, enhancing their sense of fulfilment and happiness.

Benefits for Children

  1. Better Quality of Life: Planned families often provide children with a more stable and nurturing environment, promoting overall well-being.

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  2. Healthier Development: Adequate spacing between births allows each child to receive individual attention and care, contributing to healthier development.

  3. Education Opportunities: With planned families, parents can invest more in their children's education and future opportunities.

  4. Increased Resources: Children in planned families often benefit from more resources and attention from their parents.

  5. Family Bond: Family planning fosters a stronger family bond, promoting open communication and support among family members.

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Couples interested in starting family planning in Singapore can access the resources provided by the government, including family planning clinics and educational materials, to make informed decisions regarding contraception and family size.

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Types of Family Planning

According to SMG Women’s Health, one of the most common birth control methods used in Singapore is condoms. Condoms are a barrier method of contraception, which means they physically prevent sperm from reaching an egg. The use of condoms has been found to be effective in reducing the risk of HIV infection during intercourse for both men and women. 

Condoms can also reduce the risk of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They can be found at any convenience store or supermarket and are convenient to use. On the other hand, other methods require a prescription from a gynaecologist in Singapore after proper consultation.

There are 3 types of family planning available in Singapore. Here they are, in a nutshell:

1. Short-Term

Short-term family planning methods offer temporary contraception and are ideal for individuals or couples who may want to conceive in the near future. These methods are reversible, allowing flexibility in family planning decisions. Examples include:

    • Condoms: Male and female condoms provide protection against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
    • Birth Control Pills: Oral contraceptive pills are taken daily and are highly effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly.
    • Patch and Vaginal Ring: Hormonal patches and vaginal rings are applied or inserted monthly and offer similar effectiveness to birth control pills.

2. Long-Term

Long-term family planning methods provide extended contraception without the need for frequent user action. They are suitable for those looking for sustained birth control options. Examples include:

    • Intrauterine Device (IUD): An IUD is a T-shaped device placed in the uterus, offering effective contraception for several years.
    • Birth Control Implant: A small implant is inserted under the skin, releasing hormones to prevent pregnancy for up to several years.
    • Depo-Provera Injection: This hormonal injection is administered every few months, providing birth control without daily attention.

3. Permanent

Permanent family planning methods are irreversible and intended for individuals or couples who have completed their family planning journey. These methods offer a lifelong solution for birth control. Examples include:

    • Tubal Ligation (Female Sterilisation): A surgical procedure to block or cut the fallopian tubes, preventing eggs from reaching the uterus.
    • Vasectomy (Male Sterilisation): A simple surgical procedure that blocks the vas deferens, preventing sperm from entering the semen.

Then there are also fertility awareness methods (natural family planning) such as tracking your basal temperature or counting your menstrual cycle days (as well as other natural methods such as breast stimulation).

Remember, family planning decisions should be based on individual preferences and health considerations.

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What Is Contraception

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Contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy by preventing the release of an egg from the ovary or by preventing sperm from reaching the egg. Many methods of contraception can be used alone or together. For example, a condom, birth control pill, or IUD can be used together to protect against pregnancy. You can also use two forms of contraception at once to help increase effectiveness.

There are many types of contraception, each with its pros and cons. It's important to know what you're getting into before you make a decision.

The most common forms of contraception are:

Barrier Approach

  • Condoms

They protect against pregnancy by preventing semen from entering the uterus. They also protect against STDs. Condoms can be used during any sexual activity, including anal or oral sex.

  • Diaphragm

This small dome-shaped device is inserted into the vagina before intercourse to block sperm from entering the uterus. It must be left in place for six hours after sex for maximum effectiveness, but it can be reused for up to two years if cared for properly.

Hormonal Methods

  • Birth control pills

These contain synthetic hormones that prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries) and thicken cervical mucus to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. They can also be used as emergency contraception if taken within five days after unprotected sex.

  • Emergency contraception (Plan B or morning-after pills)

Emergency contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. It can be used up to five days after sex, but should not be used more than once in the same menstrual cycle. Emergency contraception is not effective with other forms of birth control, so you must use a condom if you want protection from STDs or HIV.

  • Birth control patch

The birth control patch is a thin plastic patch that goes on your skin and releases hormones into your body. The hormones prevent ovulation and thicken the cervical mucus so sperm can’t get to an egg.

The patch should be applied to the lower abdomen, buttocks, upper outer arm or upper torso between the breasts. It is removed after three weeks and reapplied after another week (for three weeks).

  • Intrauterine devices (IUDs)

Another option is an IUD (intrauterine device) inserted into your uterus by your doctor or nurse. It releases hormones that prevent pregnancy and helps with heavy periods. IUDs are long-term contraceptives—they last three to ten years, depending on the type of IUD you choose.

Natural Family Planning

Natural family planning, also known as fertility awareness-based methods, is a form of family planning that involves understanding a woman's menstrual cycle to determine fertile and non-fertile days.

Unlike artificial contraception, natural family planning does not involve the use of hormonal or barrier methods. Instead, it relies on observing and interpreting natural bodily signs. This method can be used by couples for family planning or to aid in achieving pregnancy. 

Here are some examples of natural family planning:

  1. Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM): This method relies on exclusive or almost exclusive breastfeeding to delay ovulation and prevent pregnancy during the postpartum period. It's highly effective if specific criteria are met, such as breastfeeding the infant frequently and menses not having resumed.

  2. Standard Days Method or SDM: With this method, women track their menstrual cycles and abstain from intercourse on cycle days 8 through 12, which are considered fertile days. It's suitable for women with regular menstrual cycles.

  3. Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Method: Women measure their basal body temperature daily to detect a slight increase after ovulation, indicating the fertile period. Intercourse is avoided during the fertile window.

  4. Two-Day Method: This method relies solely on assessing cervical mucus. Intercourse is avoided when mucus is present, and it's permitted when mucus is absent.

  5. Sympto-thermal Method: Combining basal body temperature measurement, cervical mucus assessment, and standard days method, this approach helps identify the fertile period and requires abstinence during fertile days.

  6. Calendar Method or Rhythm Method: Based on menstrual cycle dates, women determine their fertile days by subtracting days from the shortest and longest previous cycles. Abstinence is required during the determined interval.

  7. Withdrawal (Coitus Interruptus): This involves withdrawing the penis before ejaculation to prevent sperm from entering the woman's body. While it's a method, it's less effective than others and not recommended as a primary form of contraception.

Sterilization Method

Lastly, if you as a couple have decided that you're done having more children, then you should discuss these permanent family planning methods. As mentioned earlier, these methods offer a lifelong and irreversible solution for birth control. 

  • Tubal Ligation

Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure to prevent pregnancy. It is often referred to as "getting your tubes tied."

The procedure involves blocking or cutting the fallopian tubes, which carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. This prevents eggs from travelling through the tubes and being fertilized by sperm.

Tubal ligation is permanent, so it's important to consider your options carefully before choosing this method of birth control.

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  • Vasectomy

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure in which the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra (where semen comes out) are cut or tied off so that sperm cannot travel through them into the ejaculate during orgasm. This prevents pregnancy by ensuring no sperm gets into the vagina during sex.

Birth Control Methods: How Effective Are They

Now that you've learned about the different types of family planning methods, are you curious as to how effective they are? 

Method Effectiveness with consistent and correct use (number of pregnancies per 100 women) Effectiveness as commonly use (number of pregnancies per 100 women)
Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) or "the pill" 0.3 7
Progestogen-only pills (POPs) or "the minipill" 0.3 7
Implants 0.1 0.1
Progestogen-only injectables 0.2 4
Monthly injectables or combined injectable contraceptives (CIC) 0.05 3
Combined contraceptive patch 0.3 7
Combined contraceptive vaginal ring (CVR) 0.3 7
Intrauterine device (IUD): copper containing 0.6 0.8
Intrauterine device (IUD) levonorgestrel 0.5 0.7
Male condoms 2 13
Male sterilization (Vasectomy) 0.1 0.15
Female sterilization (tubal ligation) 0.5 0.5
Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) 0.9 (in six months) 2 (in six months)
Standard Days Method or SDM 5 12
Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Method Reliable effectiveness rates are not available  
TwoDay Method 4 14
Sympto-thermal Method <1 2
Emergency contraception pills <1 (ulipristal acetate ECPs) / 1 (progestin-only ECPs) / 2 (combined estrogen and progestin ECPs)  
Calendar method or rhythm method Reliable effectiveness rates are not available 15
Withdrawal (coitus interruptus) 4 20

Please note that effectiveness percentages are based on consistent and correct use and as commonly used by women. Keep in mind that the effectiveness may vary depending on individual usage and other factors. Always consult a healthcare professional to choose the most suitable contraceptive method for you.

What Are the Reasons Why People May Use Family Planning

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People use family planning for a variety of reasons. Some of them are:

1. To space births

If a couple wants to have children but feels that they don't want to have too many in a row, then family planning can be used to space out their pregnancies. This is often done by using contraceptives.

Many people use family planning to space out their pregnancies to spend more time with their children before having another one. They may wish to do this because they feel that it's important for children to have time with both of their parents and not just one at a time.

2. To avoid unwanted pregnancy

One of the goals of family planning is to prevent pregnancy, so it's no surprise that many people use it with this in mind. However, there are other reasons someone may want to avoid getting pregnant. 

For example, some people may not want to have children because they're still young and want to focus on their education or career first. Others may not be ready financially or emotionally for a child. And then some may have health issues that make it difficult for them to conceive or carry a child to term (such as diabetes).

3. To control the number of children in the family

Family planning is one of the best ways to control your fertility and how many children you have. If you don’t want more than two children, then you can plan your family so that you can have only two babies at most (or one, if you prefer).

You can also decide how far apart you want your babies to be born, so they don’t overlap too much in an age when they grow up together as siblings!

4. To prevent disease or disability in their children

One of the main reasons why people use family planning is to prevent their children from getting sick or disabled. They want to ensure that the child will be healthy and give them a good life, which can only be done by selecting the right contraception method.

5. To improve their health and well-being

One reason is to improve their health and well-being. Family planning helps women avoid pregnancy when they do not want to become pregnant or do not have access to safe abortion services. It also allows them to space pregnancies so they can fully recover between pregnancies and give each child a healthy start.

Family planning also helps couples plan for their future together. Couples who want to have children can use family planning methods to make sure the timing is right for them, while couples who don't want any more children may use family planning methods to prevent pregnancy altogether.

Family Planning in Singapore

Family planning is not just a fancy word to describe getting pregnant. It is meant to protect women from health risks that may occur before, during, or after childbirth. 

These include high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, infections, miscarriage and stillbirth. Women who get pregnant after the age of 35 are even more vulnerable to health risks, so they should be protected through careful planning as well. 

This process can also help couples decide what is best for their sexual and reproductive health. As is proved by the voluntary welfare organisation I Love Children’s (ILC) study. It found that most newlyweds in Singapore consider having children within the first three years of marriage but do not think about fertility issues. 

The poll of 1,000 respondents found that more than half knew somebody who had difficulty trying for a first or second child. Nearly 70 per cent considered assisted reproduction a "magic bullet" that could solve fertility problems. In addition, long work hours and job stress were cited as obstacles couples faced in getting pregnant. 

Considering all of these factors, the importance of family planning methods couldn’t be more critical. Whether you are a young couple in your 20s or somebody who is trying after 35, planning is just as important. But how do you go about it? Let’s find out. 

How To Ace The Family Planning Game: Tips For Couples

How to start family planning?

The first and foremost issue that often stumps the process of planning and conception is-- stress. If you have that off the plate, you can hasten the process of conception. Because as you may know, stress alone can also push you towards unhealthy behaviour, which can affect your fertility. 

The good news is that even though stress affects fertility, it rarely does in ways that would lead to long-term trouble in getting pregnant. This is why you should already work on ways to bring it under control, especially if you are already stepping into the planning stage. 

Here are some family planning methods you and your partner can use to relieve stress and conceive faster. And eventually, kickstart your planning to conception process. 

  • Pay Attention to Each Other's Health and Fitness

Women expecting or planning to get pregnant should try to become more physically active. 

Exercise reduces stress, which numerous studies have shown to block the best conception efforts, and it helps you to sleep better too. 

It is, therefore, very important to get a fitness routine before getting pregnant. One can't ignore that man also need to take care of their health and fitness before they have a baby.

  • Healthy Diet

It is important to switch to a healthy diet before you plan to have a baby. A nutritious diet comprises green vegetables, fresh fruits, water, lentils, and multivitamins. 

Try and make your plate as colourful as possible. Cut down on junk and processed foods. Avoid the consumption of alcohol or excessive caffeine and increase the intake of unsaturated 'good' fats, such as avocados, nuts, oily fish, and seeds.

  • Couple De-stressing Activities

At this stage, when you are trying, it is very important to spend quality time together. It not only helps you both to bond with each other but also increases your chances of conception. More importantly, this quality time may help you feel less stressed. 

However, if you both still feel anxiety, there are several de-stressing activities that you can take up as a couple, such as visiting the spa together. Like oxytocin, the body also releases serotonin and dopamine during a massage. These chemicals increase feelings of affection, well-being, and calmness. 

Thus, a massage can boost your mood, help reduce stress, and encourage thoughtful conversations with your significant other.

  • Practice Relaxation Techniques

There are some relaxation techniques that you can practice daily—for instance, waking up early in the morning and doing yoga or some meditation exercises. Couple yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety and strengthen your bond. 

  • Take a Break

Breaks are very important in life, and we must take frequent breaks for our mental well-being. This is especially true in this post-pandemic life where we’re all cooped up working from our homes. So if you are stressing out about work and facing problems while conceiving, take a break. 

You can go on a local vacation or stay home and do nothing. This could also help your mind relax and relieve stress, which can increase your chances of conception. 

  • Seek Counselling 

Difficulty conceiving can lead to emotional trauma and put undue strain on a partnership. Every couple has different ways of coping with grief, anxiety, worry, and other emotions. If required, counselling can help you deal with your emotions better.  

Amid all the struggle to become parents, it is important to concentrate on your health and mental well-being. Last but not least, stay connected with the person you love the most - your partner. Once you have stress under control, rest assured your journey to parenthood should be smooth.  

Updates from Pheona Ilagan

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Written by

Sarmistha Neogy