Executive Functioning Issues in Kids: School Tools for Success

Does your child face executive functioning challenges? Check out our ultimate guide to essential school tools for success!

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When it comes to excelling in school, having the right tools can make a world of difference, especially for kids with executive functioning issues. These challenges often include staying organised, managing time effectively, and keeping track of important items. Here’s a guide to essential tools that can support children in overcoming these hurdles and achieving school success.


1. Binders: Organising Made Easy

Binders are a game-changer for kids with executive functioning issues. Unlike notebooks, binders keep papers neatly organised and easily accessible. To avoid the frustration of searching for misplaced homework, equip children with a dedicated binder for each subject. Pair this with a lightweight, portable three-hole punch to ensure that important papers, such as permission slips, are always securely stored. Reinforcing stickers can also help keep papers in place, reducing the risk of losing important documents.


2. Calendars: Mastering Time Management

Effective time management can be a challenge, but using calendars can significantly ease this process. Kids should have multiple calendars: one for school assignments and classes, and another for social and extracurricular activities.

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Colour-coding by subject can further streamline organisation. Additionally, a physical organiser and a working pen are essential for jotting down spontaneous tasks or reminders. To avoid losing track, use an online calendar as a backup. Many digital calendars come with reminder features that can be incredibly helpful for both kids and parents.


3. Doubles: Reducing the Rush

The morning rush to find missing items can be stressful. To minimise this, consider keeping duplicates of frequently lost items. Extra socks, pens, pencils, and keys should always be on hand. For added convenience, keep spare pairs of shoes, jackets, and other essentials readily available. This strategy can help reduce frantic searches and make mornings less chaotic.


4. Quiet Creators: Minimising Distractions

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Distractions can significantly impact focus and productivity. To create a more conducive study environment, invest in good earplugs to block out common distractions like tapping nails or background conversations. Alternatively, headphones and white noise apps, such as Simplynoise.com, can also be effective in maintaining concentration. Remember to change earplugs regularly to avoid infections.


5. Bulk It Up: Making Items Harder to Lose

Small items like keys, badges, or IDs can easily get lost. To prevent this, consider using larger, more noticeable keychains and colourful lanyards for IDs and cards. Attaching these items to a backpack can also help keep them in sight. The more visible these items are, the less likely they are to be misplaced.


6. A Good Wallet: Secure and Practical

For children with executive functioning issues, a well-designed wallet can be crucial. Look for wallets that securely hold everything from cash to bus passes and close firmly. Larger wallets often offer better functionality, so consider both form and function when selecting one.

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7. Snacks: Fuel for Focus

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Maintaining focus throughout the day can be challenging, so providing healthy, easy-to-eat snacks is essential. Opt for portable, protein-rich options that keep blood sugar levels stable. Avoid sugary or messy snacks that can disrupt concentration and productivity.

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By incorporating these tools into daily routines, kids with executive functioning issues can better manage their tasks and responsibilities. With the right support and strategies, they can navigate school life with greater ease and confidence.



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Written by

Matt Doctor