Event Listing: Seeing red with Eczema

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Come join us at Changi General Hospital’s 5th annual public forum as our doctors share about how you can manage eczema in adults and children effectively. There will also be activities tailored for children (3-12 years old), run by dermatology-trained nurses.

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Event Listing: Seeing red with EczemaEczema, otherwise known as atopic dermatitis, frequently occurs in young children and can even develop during adulthood. It is a persistent and recurring skin condition that presents with redness, inflammation, itchiness, dryness, or bleeding.

Eczema is anything but a minor problem; do you know that up to 20% of children and adults in Singapore are affected by this condition? Eczema is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

There is no cure for eczema, and living with eczema can present a range of emotional and social challenges for both the sufferers and their loved ones. However, what many people are not aware of is that the severity of the condition and frequency of recurrences can be controlled with suitable treatments. More importantly, professional support groups may provide advice and relief to help address the emotional aspect of the condition.

Come join us at Changi General Hospital’s 5th annual public forum as our doctors share about how you can manage eczema in adults and children effectively. There will also be activities tailored for children (3-12 years old), run by dermatology-trained nurses.

You will also be able to hear from eczema patients on their experiences with the condition.
Public Forum: Eczema Club 5th Meeting

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Date:                     30th June 2012, Saturday
Time:                     2.00PM to 4.00PM
Venue:                   CGH Meeting Room, Level 2
Room 8 & 9
Changi General Hospital
Registration Fee: FREE admission


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For details on registration, please contact us at:

Telephone number: 6285 3683

Website: www.cgh.com.sg (News & Events / Public Forums)

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Written by

Felicia Chin