Editor's Note: Health

TheAsianparent looks at 'Health' this week.

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Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

I'm not sure about the wealthy and wise parts but I'm pretty sure about the healthy part. I used to be a late riser but after adjusting my schdule and hitting the sack at 10pm to get a full 8 hours, I must say, I have never felt better!

Health is everything. And if you are a parent, health for the whole family is more than everything. 

This week on TheAsianparent, we look at how we can get kids to exercise (not an easy feat, mind you), protect our children's eyes and with work and parenting keeping you busy we also look at  how you can take smaller steps to gain a healthier you.

Also do be sure to check out our previous articles on health:

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Eating Right During Pregnancy
Insomnia: Stop the Frustration
Goodbye to Postnatal Fat and Depression with Yoga
7 Calorie Burning Tips
Is Tai Chi really an exercise?

and many many more!

So if you're sitting and reading this (I can't imagine how else you would be reading this), it's time for you to take the kids, throw a frisbee and have fun just running around and playing! You're not going to lose anything expect pounds!

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Have fun,



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Written by

Miss Vanda