Ignite your child’s passion for science

Is your child passionate about science? Enrol him for Project Breakthrough's Learning Sessions so he can learn from the scientists directly!

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All kids are scientists at heart. Always curious, always experimenting.

It is up to us to ensure that we keep this interest alive and help our children convert their passion into a profession.

Here are 10 easy science experiments you should try with your child!



Now, thanks to National Geographic you have a chance to give your children the opportunity to pursue their interest in science that little bit more!

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Parents and teachers of children between 9-11 years of age and attending a local school in Singapore can sign them for the Project Breakthrough Learning Sessions.

The learning journeys

There are three different programmes to choose from. Kids can enroll for any of the three sessions on offer and be part of an exciting learning journey that will hopefully empower them to effect a positive change in the world.

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The three sessions are:

  1. A Journey to an Inventive Mind: Organised by the Science Centre Singapore, this session will focus on the importance of energy conservation and how to save the environment through renewable energy sources.
  2. Explore SUTD-MIT’s International Design Centre: Participants will get a chance to meet the scientists as the SUTD-MIT International Design Centre opens their doors for an exclusive behind the scenes look into their Innovation Space, Fab Lab and the O-Lab.
  3. Explore A*STAR Institute for Infocomm Research: Students will have an opportunity to go behind the scenes at A*STAR’s Institute for Infocomm research & Fusionworld to discover the innovations developed by A*STAR and how technology advancements in the healthcare world are being used in real-life.

And what’s more, students attending the Project Breakthrough Learning Sessions will be invited to share their innovative ideas. Students with the top 5 ideas will receive a SGD$2,000 grant to further their project and get a chance to spend a week shadowing real-life research work at the SUTD-MIT International Design Centre and learn from the scientists themselves!

Click here to find out more about the timings, eligibility and registration process.

Also READ: 6 Learning areas to focus on to lay a strong foundation for your preschooler’s life-long learning

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