My one-year-old is currently at the stage of eating solids, which means that my days are kept busy sourcing for new and exciting recipes for her meals and snacks. Although my main goal is to make the food look yummy enough for her to at least try it, I also try to make sure that her meals provide her with all the nutrients that are crucial for growth and development.
We all know that kids need carbs, protein, iron and vitamins in their food — but let’s not forget the all-important, brain-building DHA. A highly unsaturated essential fatty acid, DHA benefits the body in a number of ways. These include shaping the function of the brain and eyes during the early years, as these crucial parts of the body develop rapidly.
However, since our body cannot produce DHA on its own, how can we be sure that our kids get enough of this essential fatty acid, particularly through the food that they eat?
Are kids getting enough DHA?
The European Food Safety Authority (ESFA) recommends that young children be given a 100mg of DHA per day1. While most parents do try to include as much DHA-rich food (e.g. salmon, eggs and walnuts) in their kids’ diet, studies have found that the amount of DHA synthesised from natural food sources do not meet the recommended daily amount of 100mg.
To fill this nutritional gap, formula milk manufacturers have stepped up their efforts to include DHA in growing-up milk. One great example is Dutch Lady ActivGold™ growing-up milk. Specially formulated for kids aged one year onwards, Dutch Lady ActivGold™ contains 50% more DHA* which is an important building block for the development of the brain and eyes2. Dutch Lady ActivGold™ also contains important nutrients such as choline, taurine, iron and zinc to meet the nutritional needs of growing kids.
Supplement your kiddos’ diet with Dutch Lady ActivGold™
So here’s an easy way to ensure that your kids do not miss out on the recommended daily intake of DHA: get them to take two servings of Dutch Lady ActivGold™ — and keep their meals balanced with plenty of nutritious choices.
If you’re not sure if your kids will take to the taste of the milk, you can request for a sample pack here.
For a limited time only, enjoy a 1-for-1 offer (650gm) box at the Dutch Lady ActivGold™ roadshow that will be making rounds at the following locations:
22-23 February: Hyper NEX & SS Woodlands
1-2 March: FairPrice HG Pt & Giant IMM
8-9 March: Cold Storage Compass Point & Yishun
Terms and conditions apply.
For more information, visit
* In comparison with previous Dutch Lady formula milk based on per 100g.
1. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition, and Allergies (NDA). Scientific opinion on dietary reference vales for fats, including saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids and cholesterol. EFSA J.2010;8(3)1461.
2. For children up to 3 years of age.