How to choose the right shower gel for your whole family

Read about the importance of choosing a shower gel that gets rid of germs and maintains the pH balance of your skin...

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Kids love taking a shower at the end of a busy day!

“Yay! It’s shower-time!”

When you have kids, shower-time can be so much fun. It’s just what they need to start an exciting day, or to get rid of that feeling of ickiness after a long day at school.

Once his shower is over, nothing beats giving your squeaky-clean child a big hug before he drifts off to sleep, or gets ready for a brand new day.

For kids, shower-time is about so much more than just having fun — it’s also an essential activity that helps keep kids germ-free, clean and healthy.

However, as mums, we often tend to neglect our own well-being. It is important to keep our own skin germ-free, healthy and moisturised too. Plus, a nice, warm shower is the perfect way to unwind after a long day… which is exactly what many mums need!

It’s all about keeping skin germ-free

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Who doesn’t love a freshly bathed, sweet-smelling kid?!

Taking a shower is crucial for washing off the grime, dust, sweat and germs off your family’s bodies at the end of the day, and for freshening them up at the start of the day.

In essence, taking a shower — and, incidentally, the shower gel you use — play an important role in keeping at bay nasty germs that may cause us to become ill.

Shower gel also has another critical job. But before we tell you all about it, let’s talk about the body’s largest organ — our skin.

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We know that what we put on our skin — not only when it comes to our little ones but also for the whole family — helps in keeping our skin germ-free, healthy, and moisturised.

As such, it’s really important that you choose a shower gel that kills germs and also keeps your skin beautiful at all times.

Find out about your skin’s pH level on the next page…

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Mums, it’s important your keep your skin moisturised and healthy too!

Beautiful skin comes from healthy skin

Mums, if you want to ensure overall good skin health both for yourself and your kids, it’s really important that germs are kept at bay and at the same time, the right pH balance of the skin is maintained.

Our skin has a thin, protective layer on its surface, known as the ‘acid mantle’, which is naturally designed to fight infection. The natural pH level of our skin should be slightly acidic at about 4.0 – 6.0.

On a pH scale of 1-14, 1 is the most acidic and 14 is the most alkaline.

Many shower gels in the market only kill germs, which may strip the skin of its moisture. Others only moisturise the skin without cleansing it properly of germs.

Either way, your kids’ delicate skin, as well as your own skin is bound to suffer.

We definitely don’t want our kids to have cracked, dry skin as a result of the shower gel they use

Having dry skin won’t just make you and your kids feel uncomfortable though. If the skin cracks, it can also become prone to infection… certainly not something mums want for their little ones (and themselves!).

This is why it is crucial for you to choose the right shower gel that protects your skin from germs and matches its natural pH, keeping your skin healthy, smooth and supple.

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Of course, it goes without saying how important this is for your kids’ skin, too.

Now, you’re probably wondering if there is a shower gel out there that ticks all the right boxes when it comes to keeping your family’s skin germ-free, moisturised and healthy.

Well, you’ll be happy to know that there is!

Find out more on the next page…

Dettol Shower Gel keeps skin germ-free, healthy and moisturised because it’s specially formulated to match the natural pH level of your skin.

Trusted protection for your skin… always!

Dettol is a household name when it comes to protecting your family against germs.

Now, Dettol’s germ-busting properties are combined with pH-balanced formulation to keep your whole family’s skin germ-free, healthy, and moisturised.

Unlike other shower gels, Dettol’s new shower gel is specially formulated to match your skin’s natural pH, helping you to retain your skin’s natural moisture.. This means germ-free, healthy and moisturised skin for your whole family!

As a mum who surely wants the best for your loved ones and for yourself, what more could you ask for?

No more dry, cracked skin with Dettol’s new shower gel!

Try out the new Dettol Shower Gel and check out the Dettol pH-balance website to get a $5-off discount voucher for any purchase of Dettol shower gel and hand soap worth $15.

You can download and redeem the voucher any time between 6 November to 25 December. Just click this link to do so!

You’ll be glad to know that you’re not the only one who takes great care in choosing what you use on your (and your family’s) skin. Singapore’s much-loved actress Huang Biren also uses Dettol Shower Gel to keep her skin moisturised and healthy!

Check out this video below:


Mums, do you use Dettol Shower Gel for your family? Tell us what you love about it by leaving a comment below. 

Written by

Nalika Unantenne