This Made My Day: Delivery Rider Dishes Out Pizzas Worth $160 to Strangers After Cancelled Order

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"Thanks to the guy that cancelled his order, you made a lot of people's day today."

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Let’s be real, we’ve all cancelled an order or two from a delivery service before. Or is it just me?

Now those cancelled orders typically don’t go back to the kitchen, especially if they’ve already been picked up by the delivery rider. Instead, the rider gets to keep them.

For 24-year-old Lutfil Latiff, a customer cancelled a Pizza Hut order worth $160 and instead of keeping it all for himself, he decided to give them away to the public in Pasir Ris.

“I tried calling the guy multiple times but he didn’t answer,” he said in a TikTok video that he uploaded on Sunday (Aug 7).

GIVING FREE PIZZAS AWAY TO THE PEOPLE OF PASIR RIS! 🍕🍕🍕 WATCH TIL THE END! Wasn’t expecting to be in this situation but random acts of kindness is always great for anyone and i felt so good about myself after feeling utterly shitty these past few weeks. I feel like doing this more often now 🥹 (thanks to the guy that cancelled his order, you made a lot of people’s day today) God bless and i hope all of you guys have a great day today 🙏 ♬ Not Over Yet (feat. Tom Grennan) – KSI

He said in the video that Foodpanda gave him a call shortly after to tell him that the pizzas were now his and he could do whatever he wanted with them.

In the video, he could be seen giving a box of pizza to a random stranger sitting at a void deck. Lutfil, who presumably lives in that area, said that he proceeded to pass some to his neighbours.

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It was clear that the people receiving the pizzas were confused. After all, who gets free food so easily these days?

But Lutfil said that he had no hidden agenda and was genuinely giving them away out of kindness from his heart.

In the video, he said: “Thanks to the guy that cancelled his order, you made a lot of people’s day today.”

AsiaOne reached out to Lutfil who told us that situations like these are rare for him.

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“This is actually the first time that a customer cancelled [on me],” he said.

Lutfil is currently a full-time student in LaSalle majoring in vocals for his diploma in music.

When he was down to just two pizzas, Lutfil decided to ride his bicycle around Pasir Ris to search for random groups of people to pass them to. He said in the video that he chose not to keep any for himself as he was on a diet.

When all the goods were given away, Lutfil described that he felt “very content and happy” and thanked the customer that cancelled the order.

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“I think I should do this more often,” he said.

He later told AsiaOne that if it ever happened again, he’d gladly give the food away to people who need it more.

Many netizens praised his act in the comments with one posting that now this TikTok user has gotten a VIP access to heaven.

PHOTO: Screengrab/TikTok/lutfillatiff

PHOTO: Screengrab/TikTok/lutfillatiff

Another was disappointed that he was not the neighbour of Lutfil.

PHOTO: Screengrab/TikTok/lutfillatiff

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Thankfully, Lutfil’s job was not impacted by the cancellation and he was still paid by Foodpanda for that delivery.

This article was first published on AsiaOne and republished on theAsianparent with permission.

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