Despite the wealth of available information there is about pregnancy and childbirth, there is still a lot of confusion surrounding these subjects. It has something to do with the fact that all women’s bodies are different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all rule that applies to each and every one of them.
This is particularly true for women who are carrying twins and multiples. Pregnancy is already a delicate condition for women; insert more babies into the picture and it becomes even more delicate. That’s why it’s understandable for women to be overwhelmed with information about their pregnancy, such as the best time to give birth.

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Now experts are aiming to make things a little bit less ambiguous in a new study published in the journal BJM.
In the study, a team of researchers revealed that the best time to give birth for pregnant women carrying twins is at 37 weeks of pregnancy, ensuring that it would be a safe and healthy delivery; during the period, the risk of death for both mother and children is reduced.
Because it has never been done in a study, the researchers aimed to determine the most optimal period for delivery for twins.
They also wanted to find ways to further prevent stillbirths or neonatal deaths, particularly for pregnant women because the condition poses increased complications and risks.
For the study, the researchers looked into the records of 35,000 pregnancies involving twins which occurred within the last 10 years.
As per a Parent Herald report, experts discovered that “8.8 deaths per 1,000” deaths in dichorionic pregnancies, or twins with separate placentas in the womb, could be prevented if the babies are delivered during a 37-week gestation—and not one week more.
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Monochorionic pregnancies, on the other hand, should ideally be delivered during the 36-week gestation.
According to Medical Daily, monochorionic pregnancies rarely occur in twin pregnancies at 0.3 percent. Thus, the researchers were able to only gather sufficient date for dichorionic pregnancies.
Meanwhile, Forbes reported that “twin pregnancies are usually tested for chorionicity early on, so parents and doctors are aware of the fetus’ condition.”
Because of this, experts are urging both pregnant mothers and their doctors to discuss ahead of time the delivery options.
“Timings should be discussed so a woman can make informed decisions about her birth plan where possible,” said the researchers.
Republished with permission from theAsianparent Philippines.
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