What Makes December Babies Special? Here’s What Science Says

Discover what makes December babies unique! Learn the scientific insights behind their personality, traits, and more.

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If you’re an expectant mom preparing to welcome your little one during the holiday season, you might worry that their birthday could be overshadowed by the festive hustle and bustle. But here’s some good news: studies reveal that December babies come with their own unique set of advantages, making this birth month truly special!

In this article, let’s explore the fascinating science-backed reasons why being born in December is something to celebrate.


What Makes December Babies Special?

December Babies: Why They’re Extra Special, According to Science!

Here’s what December-born babies have going for them, according to science: 

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1. December Babies Have Exceptional Longevity

Research suggests that individuals born in December are more likely to live longer, with a higher chance of reaching 100 years or more. Scientists believe this could be due to environmental factors during early development, such as cooler temperatures and seasonal diets, which may positively influence health and aging.

2. They Are More Likely to Be Morning People

December-born individuals tend to wake up earlier and show greater morning productivity compared to others. Studies on seasonal birth patterns suggest that winter babies have unique circadian rhythms, which may contribute to their natural discipline and focus.

3. Born with a Built-in Calmness

December babies are often described as patient and calm. Studies in psychology suggest that people born during the colder months exhibit higher levels of emotional stability. This is possibly due to their early exposure to shorter daylight hours that influence serotonin levels.

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4. They Are Natural Achievers in Sports

Children born in December are more likely to excel in sports. Being the youngest in their school year might initially seem like a disadvantage, but it encourages them to work harder and build resilience, traits that benefit them in competitive activities.

5. Immune Boosters from the Start

Being born during flu season might seem like a challenge, but it actually strengthens the immune system. Studies indicate that December babies often develop stronger immunity as their bodies adapt to winter-born challenges early in life.

6. Their Birth Month Might Shape Their Career Paths

December babies are more likely to gravitate toward structured and disciplined careers. Studies have shown they are less likely to be impulsive, leading them to thrive in roles that require careful planning and foresight, such as architecture or education.

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December Babies: Why They’re Special, According to Science!

If your little one is arriving in December, there’s plenty to celebrate! From a greater chance of living a long life to traits like calmness, resilience, and a morning person’s discipline, December babies truly shine in their own unique way.

So, get ready to welcome your holiday bundle of joy—because they’re already set to be extraordinary!

sources: Motherly, Romper

Written by

Bianchi Mendoza