Pregnancy After A Miscarriage: When to Try Again and What to Remember

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Do you have what it takes to soldier on with another pregnancy after a miscarriage?

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Losing a baby in pregnancy is a harsh reality that happens to many families. But despite how devastating the loss is, life has to go on and some parents try to pick up from where they started in their journey and try to conceive again.

But most parents still have questions and apprehensions about pregnancy after having a miscarriage. For instance, when is it safe to try for pregnancy again? Are there any changes to be expected, and what can they do to prevent losing the baby this time around?

Here are some information that would help parents navigate the topic of pregnancy after miscarriage

Pregnancy After Miscarriage: When Should You Try Again?

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A common concern after a miscarriage for most couples is when they can try for pregnancy again. Having a miscarriage is a difficult experience for couples to overcome, both physically and mentally. However, most are eager to try to conceive again after the loss…but when?

According to Mayo Clinic, you can ovulate and become pregnant as soon as two weeks after a miscarriage. However, many doctors encourage for those who have suffered from miscarriage to wait a certain amount of time before proceeding to get pregnant again.

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There is no precise amount of time given for you to wait. One mum tried after one menstruation cycle and conceived after that, while others like ‎took 3 years to try again as she had suffered from two consecutive miscarriages.

It takes time for a woman’s body to become strong and healthy again after a miscarriage. If her body is not, then she might suffer a repeat miscarriage.

Doctors usually recommend that those trying for a baby wait for six months to a year before attempting another pregnancy. But there are no medical reasons to this precisely; it is just a guideline for couples to come to term with their loss. Mummy Sharon Loke, who had a miscarriage twice, decided to follow her doctor’s advice and waited between three to six months before trying again. She is now a happy mummy to two adorable boys.

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer a miscarriage yourself, then we suggest you do what you feel is best for you. It is best to wait until you are ready physically and emotionally before getting pregnant again.

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Deciding when to try again is a decision only you as a couple can make. Facebook fan, Adeline Oon said that she, “didn’t want to try for another so soon after the emotional trial, so I conceived about a year after that.” Adeline also shared that her husband had to go along with her comfort level before they conceived again.

If there were medical complications with your miscarriage, make sure to discuss the plans to try again with your doctor first. Remember that your following pregnancy might not be as endearing to you as the first one because of the loss you have already suffered.

Having a miscarriage is as tough as having a child dying on you so take it easy on yourself and hope that the following pregnancy would end up better than the previous one.


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How to Prevent a Miscarriage From Happening Again

Often, there’s nothing you can do to prevent a miscarriage. A healthy lifestyle and folate supplementation are usually recommended before attempting another pregnancy.

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Focus on taking good care of yourself:

  • Seek regular prenatal care.
  • Avoid known miscarriage risk factors — such as smoking, drinking alcohol and illicit drug use.
  • Take folate supplement daily.
  • Limit your caffeine intake.
  • Moderate exercise and weight control

Also, research led by the University of Birmingham suggests that giving progesterone to pregnant women with early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriage could increase their chances of having a baby. It’s important that you consult with your doctor about this if you are eager to try again. 

Pregnancy After Miscarriage: What to Remember

Image source: iStock

If you are struggling with your current pregnancy; these are some tips that could make things a bit easier for you.

  • Find a good doctor.

This pregnancy will be harder for you physically, mentally and emotionally than other pregnancies so make sure to find a doctor that would understand this and will guide you on your next pregnancy or conception journey.

  • Take it one day at a time. 

You may want to avoid early preparation for the baby’s arrival. It can be heartbreaking to have the baby room all set up but no baby to bring home. Hope for the best, but make sure to keep your emotions and excitement in check.

  • It’s okay to grieve and process your feelings.

You will probably be grieving instead of celebrating your new baby. This is understandable and you must not feel guilty.

  • Relax.

Your parenting may be influenced by your past loss so moments of panic might occur, especially when the new baby is ill, or too quiet.

  • Reach out to someone if you need help.

It is extremely crucial that if you find yourself struggling to love or care for your baby at the best of your ability because you are holding back, then you should speak to a healthcare provider and as soon as possible. Your doctor would then be able to point you to the appropriate support groups.

Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.

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Written by

Miss Vanda