Daddy's role during pregnancy

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While mummy will play the star of the show, the supporting actor will be equally important. Here's a list of ways dad can help out during labour and delivery...

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daddys role

Dads can connect with their little ones even before they are born.

Yes, it is all about her and the baby right now. Pregnancy is the time when they have the starring role. But dad’s you have an important supporting role to play. Here is how you can play it best.

During pregnancy tips for dads: A daddy’s role

Lifestyle changes

You can support your mummy-to-be by sharing in the lifestyle changes. Give up alcohol, drink more fluids, cut down on coffee and don’t smoke. Important part of the daddy’s role.

Accompany her

Visit the Doctor for prenatal-care appointment together. Don’t miss the chance to get a glimpse of your baby during an ultrasound.

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Be an active observer

Let your wife know you’re enjoying seeing her belly grow and feeling the baby kick.

Attend the prenatal classes

Practice breathing with her so that you could help her with labour. Be ready to embrace her, hold her hands, soothe her.

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Nurture her

Make sure she is eating a good diet of healthy food. Make sure she gets plenty of rest. Make sure she is comfortable. Maybe offer her a pillow or to massage her feet. Take on more of the household duties like cooking, cleaning, mopping, dishes and laundry.

Prepare your home

Welcome the new family member by getting things like baby furniture, readying the house, preparing extra meals.

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Have a financial plan in place

Look at your financial plans before hand. While planning for the baby and life as a new parent, do make sure that your insurance  covers pregnancy complications, including miscarriage, as well as congenital illnesses for baby and also perhaps helps you get coverage for yourselves to enable building savings.

Make decisions together

About the kind of labor and delivery you want, what to name the child, whether your child should be circumcised.


Read on to the next page to find out what you, the dad-to-be should be doing during labour and beyond!

Dads you need to remind your wife about all those lessons from the birthing classes.

Nurture her by ensuring she is getting the necessary nutrients during pregnancy. Consider incorporating 21st Century Pre-Natal Multivitamins With Folic Acid And Iron For Pregnancy into her diet to support her and the baby’s health.

During labour tips for dads

Cheer her on

Keep her focused. She shouldn’t give up, and she shouldn’t panic. If she starts acting restless or agitated during a contraction, make eye contact with her and encourage her to take a deep breath. Hold her hand and tell her she’s doing great.

Physically support her

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Hold her hand and hold her in position if she opts for an epidural. Clutch her legs and thighs during pushing.

Be at her beck and call

If she wants some ice, get her some. Pronto. If she wants a back rub, roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Take it like a man

Don’t take your wife’s comments personally. Smile, nod, and know she will not appreciate a sarcastic response – no matter how witty you may deem it to be!

Snap pictures

Capture the moment by taking out appropriate pictures. Daddy’s role can be fun too!

Catch the baby

If you’re up for it, ask your doctor if you can “catch” the baby, that is, support him as he emerges from the birth canal and cut the umbilical cord.

What dads should NOT to do during labor

* Don’t chat on the phone with friends

* Don’t return work calls

* Don’t check stocks, surf the net or check emails

* Don’t chew gum or blow bubbles

* Don’t hoard the remote!

* Don’t flirt with the nurses

* Don’t let your mother in unless your wife says it’s okay

* Don’t socialise with other fathers

* Don’t take inappropriate pictures

Now that you are a new dad, how should you be playing the role? Click next to find out!


Post Labour tips for dads

Call friends and family

You will be communication central for telling friends and family that you’re a new dad!

Take initiative

Change diapers, help with feedings and baths. Allow your wife to nap while you take care of the baby. Yes, this is a part of the daddy’s role.

Time off

Do whatever you can to take some time off from work when the baby arrives. This will help you establish your own close relationship with your child right from the start.

This article is part of series supported by AXA to help mums to be in their journey from pregnancy to motherhood. 

Written by

Roshni Mahtani