Creative ways to announce pregnancy

Expectant mums, are you wondering how to share your pregnancy news without feeling awkward? We hope these creative ways inspire your special announcement!

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Now that you’ve been given blissful news of your pregnancy, how will you share the good news with your family, friends, or even your spouse? Have you thought about doing a creative baby announcement?

Many mums prefer to wait till the pregnancy is more stable before letting others know that they are expecting. Superstitions and pregnancy risks during the first 12 weeks keep some parents-to-be waiting a little longer before sharing their wonderful news

Besides just telling it as it is (and surprising them at the same time), how about sharing your pregnancy joy creatively? Here are some inspiring and unique ways new parents have announced that they are about to welcome a delightful addition to their family.

Tips for a creative baby announcement

Do it figuratively

We’re expecting a baby!

Yup, safety pins are not only a cost-effective way of putting the message across, it’s pretty obvious what the message is too!

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Besides a gender reveal with colours (pink for girls; blue for boys), this creative baby announcement will be a memorable surprise for your recipients too!

Saying it with chocolates means simultaneously sharing that sweet joy! This is perfect for surprising family members and friends – but make sure they don’t miss out on the message!

Read between the lines

Is it a baby bump or food belly? The real reason for those unexpected food cravings!

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Not sure how to break the news or announce it to colleagues who have been suspiciously wondering what’s up with your change in mood? Say it with doughnuts (or any fave snacks for the office team) and dispel those guesses. Well, at least they will be a little more prepared should you need to be away for your monthly gynaecologist check-ups, or need help moving those heavy boxes.


Welcoming a new addition to the family means the beginning of a fun learning journey!

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Growing your team? Use one of your family’s hobbies as a prop in your pregnancy announcement!


Maybe, baby!

It might be too early for baby food… but you can still surprise the husband first with this creative baby announcement!

If you’re planning to surprise your husband, pick up a jar of baby food when you do your weekly groceries, and keep it in the cabinet which he opens every morning to get his coffee. An early morning surprise is bound to keep him excited all day, and possibly give him an additional boost at work too!

How adorable is this creative baby announcement showing that everyone is looking forward to the arrival of your new addition to the family?

A new member of the family for everyone to love – that includes your furkids too. Share a simple pregnancy announcement with a photo like this – no caption needed.

Do it the Singaporean way, which also means the practical way of letting your spouse know about your new baby.

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In the true blue Singaporean way where a man “proposes” by asking if his girlfriend would like to buy a house together, a pregnant mum can “pop” the news in a similar fashion when she tells her husband about their future plans for their growing family. After that, you can talk about your future as a couple, which includes parenthood, family finances and children’s education. Do your research and discover how to stretch your dollar as new parents.

Learn more about the POSB Smiley Child Development Account (CDA), the PAssion POSB Debit Card and the POSB Everyday Card. Savvy parents who use these cards enjoy 3% cashback from healthcare spend on selected medical services.

Say it when it’s least expected!

Take your husband on an unexpected “outing” and spring a surprise creative baby announcement on the new daddy!

This unexpected way of sharing your pregnancy joy with your spouse is bound to bring him to tears. The Daddy-to-be will definitely remember this moment and the pure joy he felt!

Sneak in a handwritten note as you unveil the real reason for those sudden mood swings – you’re pregnant!

If you’re holding on to that pregnancy test kit, maybe it’s time to put it to good use once more to help you share the news of your pregnancy. Hand it to the new papa, and we’re pretty sure he will be understanding about those mood swings you’ve been experiencing. These changes are significant and common during pregnancy – read this letter to find out more.

Share the pregnancy joy with the unsuspecting grandparents-to-be with some sweet treats!

Make the special announcement to unsuspecting family members.  Prepare some freshly baked goods for the next family gathering, and drop hints with baby-related items – you will soon see the delight in the eyes of the excited grandparents-to-be! Top it off with a handmade card and the very first photo of their grandchild – an ultrasound image – and it’s literally, “Hello grandpa and grandma!” There will be pure joy and happiness in the family as they eagerly anticipate your new baby.

The article was written in collaboration with POSB Smiley CDA to support parents in raising children in Singapore. Apply online for an account today!

Are you planning to make a pregnancy announcement to your family and friends anytime soon? Share your ideas with us!

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